
so… finished up at the hotel part of the honeymoon, and then went camping.

discovered…. air matress had a SLOOOOOW leak… but by about 4 in the morning… we were sleeping on the ground.

so fun….

okay, camping was fun. we had a blast really with the fire and everything, but geez… the ground was HARD. but i did my best sleep wise. only woke up, like, 4 times.


we came home a lot earlier then planned, mostly because chris couldnt take it anymore. and okay, i was kinda annoyed from the night. if we hadnt had that problem, we probably would have stayed the next night as originally planned. but we hung out at moms while i washed our blanket…

and i got sufficiently hooked on roni’s ds. it started all innocent, with aadyn needing help cuz he was doing mariokart, and he couldnt win, so he wanted help… and then he walked away, and i played it for the next, like, 4 hours.

and switched over to zelda….

and now i want one. but chris is all "nooooo. we need a couch and a bed and a new car.." but im like "its only, like, $130!"


so whatever. im saving towards it. all cash i get is going in my sock drawer and suddenly ill have one! weird! *giggle*

so then we came home, and i washed things and put them all away. in terms of all our new gifts that is.

it kinda rocks, we have a ton more cups, plates, and bowls atm. and i got an awesome statue of a man and woman, and some towels and pillowcases, and other nifty things that make me happy. got a glass pitcher with GOBLETS! it rocks!

and a picture frame…. that im just waiting for the pictures back from the photographer back for. and thats still… like…. another week…. at least. boo.

the only pictures ive seen so far are one set from Seth (chris’ best man dude) on his facebook.

theres one thats really good… OOOOHHH…. ill try and put it in!


i really cant wait till i see them all….

alrighty. im off. gonna relax and such. my arm hurts. i just finished writing all my thank you notes and such… so yeah. my moms impressed i did it already…. and so fast… but really, its 8:42pm.. and i started at about noonish. so it sucked. and my hand cramped a lil, and my arm and shoulder are quite sore now.

off to sit and do nothing for the next…. 5 days of vacation!

ew i dont wanna go back to work…

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July 30, 2009
July 30, 2009

I got you wine glasses and another picture frame, FYI. There may be some sneaky cash inserted into your card when I finally send all of this stuff to you, to add to your DS fund. It’s totally worth it to just buy a used one, cause the battery life rocks – and some used ones run as low as $80/90, depending on where you go. Try GameStop 🙂