
a weekend off… and i had to go to carries graduation party/brians birthday party on saturday…

and sunday was my bridal shower.

i mean… it wasnt horrid or anything really… but a) i couldve lived without being wrapped in 4 rolls of toilet paper as my "dress" when its, like, 90 degrees outside, and b) DEFINITELY couldve lived without globs of make-up/glitter all over my face.

otherwise it was okay. cept the only people there was my family (mom, carrie and roni) carries two friends, who i still like and all but are technically not my friends, melissa and brittany, chris’ sister Tammi, and Jill from work. and Nicole of course.

so yeah. that was it. no cousins, no aunts, nothing.

so we just ate and talked most of the time.

but i was apparently very worn out, since i came home and fell asleep on the couch for almost three hours, without meaning to. i woke up a bunch of times, but couldnt find any energy what-so-ever to get up.

and i just have a headache. so again, dishes are being put off right now. and laundry.

tomorrow i need to call and cancel the hair appointments since we changed places, and call about the cake…

and completely un-wedding-related… make my OB-GYN appointment… since i still havent done that.

and then this week i need to finish picking wedding pianist music. ugh. talk about difficult.

okay. so if chris ever dies or leaves me and i get remarried (unlikely, since ill probably give up on guys and go for girls and since we still have to put up with the no-same-sex-marriage thing…) i am going to a damn courthouse. because this gives me a migraine. OR im marrying someone rich and going to hire a planner. and i will just go "make it nice" and walk away. because really… this is way to much for one person to handle. chris is all "its easy, i could do it all in one day"

Let me just say: I WOULD LIKE TO SEE HIM TRY.

ugh. i need to find out how long special ordered m&m’s take to get delivered… 4 weeks until the wedding… i THINK its two… but i mean, i dont wanna get them last minute… i could keep them in the fridge and they would be okay… RIGHT?

omg im going to bed. before i jump off a cliff or something. and giving the fact that its too warm for pants… jumping off a cliff in my underwear is just weird.


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June 29, 2009

*sigh* I laughed at the idea of Chris doing this in one day, and told Nathan about it, and he goes “Well, maybe not ONE day…” so I told him he could do it. And he goes “all you have to do is say ‘flower people, I want flowers here on this day,’ ‘cake person, I want a cake here on this day.'” -___- Boys.

July 1, 2009

i dont envy u for the planning of the wedding, must be so stressful… just think of the day, the most beautiful day of your life… it’ll b worth it… found u thru random i like ur diary =) take care xxx