i must say

first off, i really REALLY hate my job right now. not only am i (basically) the only 3rd shifter left, AGAIN, but they erally pushed it today. i had off Friday night, and THEY DIDNT FACE. to simplify things so i dont go into it and everyone ends up going "uh…. huh…." and not reading anymore…. they were jerks, left a big mess for me to clean up, and expected me to do the work of 2 people.

second: planning a wedding can be, actually, quite a pain. not that i didnt expect that. i just didnt expect to really have to deal with the consequences of not actually being confirmed and therefore being stuck with NO WHERE to have the damn ceremony and therefore, like, tripling my cost, if we can even find a place!!!

were thinking, if his uncle will allow it, of just doing it all at the hall. but then i was like "ummm… pictures" and since there would be crap for being able to do, other then, well, inside the hall, wed of had to arrange getting, like, our grandparents and entire family to a park afterwards…. just to take pictures and then come back…. all the while hoping other people were willing to help change the sitting situation…. but we still have to talk to him about it anyway, so i dont even know if that CAN happen.

then we saw this church that we really like called Northbrook Chruch. its a nondenominational church, so itd be possible. when i emailed them about it though, they said you just have to become a REGULAR ATTENDANT for 6 months before the wedding, which i could do, really, if it werent for the whole wanting to sleep after work thing and not being a big church goer really, and probably just falling asleep, and Chris’ absolute refusal. but then they also require, like, marriage counseling. which also doesnt surprise me really, cuz i know a lot of churches have that to be all "make the union more sacred since divorce is a sin" thing. but were not into that whole idea.

so we found this place called The Gardens. its a chapel that a family owns basically, and they have grounds with it. the biggest problem with it: $650, plus wed have to get our own officiant, which, the lowest i found, is $475.

so on top of paying around $3000 for food, $1600 (approximately) for a LOW END photographer, and, oh $400-$600 for a DJ…. well, you can see how adding another $1000 onto that isnt exactly appealing. especially since my father, basically, is refusing to help.

and that doesnt even count the lil expenses either, like the table decorations and his tux and shoes and bridesmaid/groomsmen gifts and flowers and stamps…. and omg…. i need, like, $8000.

kill me. kill me now.

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October 5, 2008

wedding stuff can be a HUGE pain.. im DEFINATLY going to be a bridezilla!!!! Good Luck with it all

October 5, 2008

ah.. north brook. yeah.. they are like that there.

October 5, 2008

Northbrook IS pretty… but yeah, ridiculous. And in response to your note – it helps that my parents are pretty much officially empty nesters now. Natalie moved out, I’m at school – there’d be space for Kieth and them at your place if it was just your mom.