
having OD down and them going "hackers!" TOTALLY freaked me out. i am not even kidding. im still sad about the time it was down, for, like, a month, and then i didnt get all of my entries back. >.>

but anyway. other things to talk about. yesterday was aadyn’s birthday party. friday night i had woken up at 6pm, and worked all night, and didnt sleep in the morning, and didnt go to bed till saturday at 4pm. it kinda blew.

i had wished to be there for the party longer then i was, but i had been awake long enough at that point.

i feel bad for my mom right now. when roni started in band in 6th grade she played flute, and my mom spent $300 on one for her. she sold it yesterday morning… for $20. because that was worth it?! my mom was fuming. she deserves a much easier life.

i mean, she has 5 children and has to watch them be abused while shes being abused by the man shes supposed to trust, and then the children grow up and the 2 oldest are stupid druggies and stuff for a few years, and shes working 60+ hours a week, and then even when theyre well into their 20s shes still paying a ton of money for them instead of actually being able to SAVE some for once, and she has one selfish younger child, and one mildly growing out of it selfish child, and her ex remarries and is more of an ass then usual and just… gah.

my family blows. really.

i totally need to get to a printer asap and do the reapplication for school….. i want to know if i can get back in (which im sure i will, but still) before i start looking for the money for it.

and i have to do REALLY well that first semester back so i can get grants again.

and i should get plenty… cuz at least when i apply for financial aid that first time ill have just my income on it. then itll be mine and chris’ which will be, like, $50000 a year total TOPS. and thats pushing it. i think itll be more like $35000 actually… depends on how i look. a full year as a manager…. thats, like, 1st year teacher salary.

8 years of school, tops, and ill be making such a nice amount of money. my goal is to work on loans then, and buy a house. by my mid 30s i will be able to own a home, and not look at it as a horrible "im going to suffer and not be able to eat" kinda thing. ill be able to AFFORD it. ill be making GOOD money.

that excites me. it really does.

ANYWAY. i need to eat something other then cookies… so im gonna go find something now.

maybe noodles…. ive become hooked on those lately….


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