my 4th (and day before) and other things

so…. i got outta bed on the 3rd at 430 for the happenings in the falls, and went there. during the parade i was mainly inside my work the entire time twiddling my thumbs cuz it really was rather boring. im not as into parades as i used to be, like, 5 years ago. nicole was there, and since carrie was working, we just spent most of the time making fun of her and stuff.

and opening the roof hatch to prepare for later XD

so for the fireworks, we were on the roof. immensly awesome, btw. it was totally fun. the fireworks blew. andy and trever kept going "oooo" and "ahhhhhh" and such like that. and then theyd go "Larry, what do you think of the fireworks?" and he just went "these fireworks are shit" (these are all people that are my coworkers, in case you didnt pick up on that). it was rather amusing. especially since, once they ended, andy and trevor took one of the milkcrates they had been sitting on, and put it on the roof where it angles down and like, has ridges to make it look kewl. it fit perfectly in between two of the ridge thingys, so they pushed it down about half way, so if you were to go to my work, there is just this milk crate sitting there.

it looks amazing.

then i had to work, so i did, and was there till 8 since i had to wait for chris to pick me up.

i practically passed out immediatly. was awake by 530 to go out to gtown for those ones. gtown is way better then any fireworks ive ever been to, including milwaukees big bang, in my opinion. first off, the parade is at, like, noon, so that you have from the end of it till the fireworks to hang out at the park and have a blast. theres all those blow up things that involve jumping on and stuff, and this year they had hot air balloon rides… for $5 a person, you could take a ride that hovered, like, 3 feet off the ground. as kewl as it is, we all passed. but i ate corn and wandered around the park, saying hi to people that i saw and stuff. Thode was there (i was thinking he was only here, like, last weekend or something so that was weird) and Bruce too. gave them both hugs, and we chatted for a bit…. and eventually i took off with roni and them. id figured id spent enough time around Thode. chris isnt exactly a fan of him seeing as at the old apartment a thing or two may have happened between us in my grief mood that was very prominent in the times of me and chris being broken up. especially since, like, the week before he ahd gone "you know, if i do get a girlfriend, you are going to have to move out" and he kept talking about this once chick….

so yeah. hung out with the family, which was actually really fun, cuz we kept yelling at brian for being an idiot, and aadyn and logan were adorable together. abby kept trying to take a drink of keiths Mike’s Hard Lemonade, which was hillarious. he kept pushing it was and holding it out of her reach while she was pinned in his lap, so she was getting very angry and kept hitting him, and everytime she got close enough either dipped her fingers in it, or started licking the rim of the bottle.

at one point she tried to switch her bottle with mikes bottle of it. we all laughed rather hard. my niece… the year old alcoholic *sigh*. lol.

then the fireworks were very good. 10 times better then all of the falls within the first 3 minutes. maybe it had something to do with the falls guys had come into my work and bought, like, gallons of booze, where as im pretty sure these guys werent drunk…. it totally rocked.

then me, carrie, brian, natalee (friend of mine and carries, more so carries though, from work) and jordan, took off fast with all the chairs and stuff cuz i really was in need of a bathroom. there were these 3 cars that would NOT stop honking, and were doing it just for, you know, to be kewl and such…. they werent. they were just exxtremely annoying.

so then we let aadyn, jordan, and logan play with sparklers *the other small ones, except abby, had all left by now, cuz sandra was going up north with michelles parents, sister, and nieces* and that was funny. aadyn burned his hand at one point cuz he put it on the sparkler part right after it went out and he went "ow ow ow no, no im okay, give me more fire please"

it was way to cute.

then carrie, natalee, and jessi all drove me home, and we had ice cream, and sat in the van for, like, half an hour outside my door.

then i fell asleep cuz i was WAY tired. oops. i didnt want to, especially since im getting up early again tonight to go out to manas for a bonfire. but thatll be, like, 6. be there by around 7 im thinking, and hang out till i gotta leave for work at 10…. blarg. then a straight shot of 5 days of work until………….. IM OFF FOR, LIKE, 12 DAYS TO GO CAMPING!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEE!!!!! im excited.

but, i have other good news: as of august first, i have a brand new 2 bedroom apartment in the falls, like, a mile and a half/two miles from my work. really, i could EASILY walk and not care. probably, like, 20 minute walk, MAYBE half hour if i take my time. and chris is more then likely transferring to the walgreens that is RIGHT THERE, so he wont be using gas that way…. and just, zomg, im excited. we will be within a 6 mile radius of, like, everything. 10 max to go to my moms.

the only bad part: since we are just all to eager to move out of here, we are going to be doubling up on the rent. we need $1625 for that place for the rent, security deposit, and pet fee. $615 for this place for the last months rent, and then $360 for my car payment. thats all the big bills that concern me. thats $2600 we need by august 1st. of course, we have $2100 in the bank account (had $2500ish till i just took out this months car payment) and chris gets paid i think 3 more times before it, and i get paid my four times, and my mom said shell give us a couple hundred, since she owes me for my wedding dress. (she wanted to pay for it, but didnt have the money in time of our layaway going away) so really, as long as we stay away from fast food and lots of spending, we should have no problem. factor in one last real grocery shopping trip here we wont have a problem. then we just gotta get money again when we get there so we can start living again. but, when chris transfers, instead of averaging the 30 hours a week, he will be getting 40. but he wont be doing week on week off anymore. i think for him its gonna be, like, monday thru friday 1030p-7a.

so yeah. itll be kewl. rent is $150 more then were used to ($760) but, we always have the cash now. especially since im bringing in, ya know, $500 a week. at least. and 2 bedrooms and one a half bath…. well worth it in my opinion.

plus, who knows, carrie may very well move in with us when shes done with school. so thatll save us too.

but im gonna stop now. this is a very long entry, and im sure youre just waiting for me to shutup now.

so…. bye.

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July 5, 2008

that’s right, i read the whole thing. i would have went to germantown for the fireworks like usual, but had to work 1-9, so promptly did nothing yesterday. but that’s ok, there’s always next year.