
my little brother, brian, is in the hospital.

he went to the skate park with his friend and was rollerblading. he apparently decided to do some funky twirly trick.

his friend went "brian, let me record this with my phone so when your in the hospital later i can show you how stupid you were"

and then he fell. dexter didnt save it though cuz as he put it: "i kinda had to stop recording so i could, you know, call 911"

he hit his head, has 2 abrasions. one on the back one on the front. he had a ceasure as soon as he fell too. then during the ambulance ride he had another one.

he was responsive after the first one saying his head and shoulder was hurting. after the 2nd one he became unconscious. when he went in for the CT scans (head to toe scan) he was intibated.

me, keith, carrie, and roni, got to be the 2nd ones in to see him (after my mom and dad) and while we were in there she checked his pupils and he started freaking out. he isnt responsive at all, and wont follow commands. the doctor was going "brian open your eyes" and "brian put up 2 fingers please" but the main doctor things its just the meds. hes completely doped up. when he started fighting he randomnly yelled "get off me, leave me alone, etc etc" and they took the breathing tube out. hes breathing fine on his own now, which is a good thing. but he stll hasnt really woken up.

they say, however, that he should be able to come home today. once its morning were going back to see him. my dad stayed with him.

his birthday is in 2 days…. everyones going to buy him a helmet. and keith is planning on glueing one to his head.

*shakes head* boys, i swear….

im going to play WoW now or something. maybe take a small nap.

me and chris had been planning to take a chicago trip…. dont know if thats still gonna happen. depends on how brian is when we see him.

my dad has epilepsy, and were thinking he may have gotten it, and the doctor said it could be a coincedence that he has it and it started now for him. theyre going to keep him on a drug for it for about a month, and then wean him off. if he has a ceasure… hell get treated for it. if not, then it was the head trauma.

its scary. im not like, super worried, but im just worried in general. worried hell be stupid and still go without a helmet (though my mom said hes not ever being allowed at the skate park again). worried it might turn out to have caused a more serious problem…. things like that.

ill keep you posted…

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June 24, 2008

wow. i’m sure he’ll be ok, but that’s still scary. hope he gets better quick.

June 25, 2008

I know people might think helmets aren’t “cool” but oh boy do you need them. I’m SO glad he is ok and they’re letting him home! It must have been scarey for you all!

June 25, 2008

sorry to hear about your little brother. Wow that is such a tragedy. those skater type people are always hurting themselves one way or another by doing those tricks, it can be quite dangerous. He needs to be dressed up like a football player next time he attempts to rollerblade. I pray he gets better soon.

June 25, 2008

I stopped by the hospital but he wasn’t awake and no one else was there. *hugs*