Wow, there’s so much good stuff to tell you!

Let’s see, so I haven’t written since about the middle of September, and so much has happened!  First, I didn’t get the job at the bank, mostly because I had to tell them I wasn’t avaliable since I got a job with the school!  I’m working as a para-pro, which means I’m teaching, just doing small groups.  I have a kindergarden reading group, and a first grade reading group, I work with different groups of fourth graders through the week, and also help out with second grade.  Oh, and I have a couple of recess duties, one with the 5th graders for 15 minutes, which is easy since they’re good kids and don’t really need anyone watching them, then there’s the half hour I have to watch the first graders.  They can be quite the handful!  They’re cute though, and unfortunately for Luke, being around kids all day isn’t making me change my mind about wanting like five of them!  ~L~ (I’ll settle for 3 though!)

Things with Luke are just as fabulous as ever.  We still haven’t had a fight, which maybe makes us weird, but whatever. ~L~ We spend more time together now too, the school I teach at is about 10 minutes from his, so we drive the 1/2 hour to work together in the morning, I drop him off at school, then go to my school, and pick him up after.  It works out really well, and the few days that we’ve had different things going on and I’ve drivin by myself, I’m so darn lonely!  ~L~ I have to call him beause I so love being able to talk to him about my day after work.  So yup, we’re strange, we spend practically every minute together, talk all the time, never fight, have sex often, it’s wonderful!

Christmas was pretty good.  We went to his mom’s the Sunday before Christmas, hung out with my mom christmas eve morning, then went to his dad’s, spent the night there, made a ton of christmas cookies, had christmas lunch there, then went back to my mom’s for christmas night!  ~L~ We like celebrated christmas for 3 days!  The only down side was that we didn’t get to go to my dad’s.  It’s a little more difficult when he’s a five hour drive away, and oh yeah, there’s like record breaking snow fall coming down.  I still feel a little bad about it though.  And even worse after I called my dad Christmas day and he tells me that Shawna (my step mother to be) has stage 4 lung cancer. damn man.  She’s tough though, she’s had a couple other boughts with cancer and come out on top, and well, I cried about it enough, and now I just want to be positive, every thing is going to be all right.

On a happier note, Luke and I have been looking at/talking about buying a place in Omak, we’ve found this other property (that’s actually owned by the same guy that owns the house with the smoke damage) there’s a nice big lot, and it has potential, so we’ll see.  The more I think about it, the more I’d rather find a house that doesn’t need any work!  I think after the first of the year Luke and I are going to see about morgage loans, at least we both have great credit and hey, rates are nice an low now!

On a me being a spoiled brat note, Luke hasn’t "officially" proposed yet.  I was hoping that I’d get a diamond for christmas… actually, the ring I’ve picked out won’t even have a real diamond center stone, since the rest of the ring and the setting is more important than some big rock.  I told him he could get a cubic zirconia for the center and we’ll get a real one later. We can probably find a decent one at a pawn shop and just have them reset it. 

Anyway, it’s getting late, so I should get to bed!  I’ll try to be better at writing more!

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January 20, 2009

it’s nice to hear from you! i wonder what you are up to over on the far west 🙂 congrats on the job! something was bound to work out after all that searching. it sounds like things are going well for you!