Over Spent

I’m really worried that between the money I spent on material, along with the 8 bottles of wine that I bought, that I might have gone way over what I should have!  I mean, I know in the long run that the material was a great deal, it’s really beautiful, and it was a good price, and it’s going to look amazing, but right now I’m kind of like, oh crap, what did I just do!  I shouldn’t have bought so much wine, I don’t know what I was thinking!  Yeah, it’ll be good, but most of the time Luke and I are perfectly happy with a $9 bottle, we don’t really need a $19 bottle! 

Anyway, I’m just going to have to watch my spending… I know, I know, I say that ALL the time!  Actually, I recently got one of those zero percent balance transfer/check things, which mom went over with a fine tooth comb, and declaired to be in order, so I’m going to write out a check to pay off my truck!  In the long run, the 3% transfer rate is going to be a heck of a lot less than the intrest I’d be paying on the loan!  Oh, then later, mom called and said hey, write that check for a little more and use it to help pay off the material and the wine you bought!  I’m so glad she called before I mailed the thing! Now I can just use my electronic bill pay to pay it off.  I have until March, plenty of time!  And besides, since it’s now a credit card bill, I’m going to care about getting it paid off a lot more!

I really need to get my hours changed at work, actually, more than that, I need another job where I don’t have to worry about my hours!!  It would be so nice to not have to work evenings or weekends!  I’m thinking I really just need to get my emergancy substitute certificate and get that going, then there’s this Methow valley arts alliance, a group that pays artists to come in, teach kids cool artsy things, and present them to the community some how. (while of course learning all sorts of things!)  I think that would be a great combination, and basically, it’s what Luke’s fellow teacher Edith said I should do last year! 

Tonight when Luke got home, he was in the mood for Mexican, so we went and tried this other resturant that we keep forgetting is here.  I liked it better than the place in town that we go to, even though I always feel like such a cow after the beans and rice and chimichangas and margaritas… ugh!

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