You’re gonna miss this…

That’s what I keep telling myself every time I get bummed out about the current state of my life.  Not that it’s all that horrible, but some times I just get really down about the crappy job, about how Luke and I won’t be getting married until next October, and how that means I don’t get to have any babies until then.  Some times I just wish I could skip over the next few years and go right to the whole package, being married with a couple of kids, a few dogs, and a house of our own.  It’s just that picture perfect life that I’ve always wanted, and now that I’ve got the right guy, I want the rest!

I just keep trying to remind myself…

You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this

I know someday, I’ll get all nostalgic for those days when Luke and I were in our first little one bedroom apartment, and how I had to settle for whatever job I could get.  But it’s not all that bad, I mean it’s certainly better than driving to Twisp to clean houses, and I did say that I wanted a job closer to home, and hey, at least I’m not still in Wenatchee!  I need to enjoy these times, these memories of our first couple years together. 


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I’m glad I caught this entry (I’ve been MIA for a while)… you WILL TOTALLY MISS IT ALL after you have the life with the husband and the kids and dogs and all that. Sometimes I really wish that I had waited until I was in my early 30s or so to get married and start a family. I love my husband and kids! but I just missed out on a lot of stuff you can’t do when you’ve got a family. Take full advantage of it NOW, missy! 🙂