It’s mostly about Luke

Luke is done with school, I think he had a pretty good first year, I’m really proud of him.  He started out with this big mess that was left by the last guy, so he had to set up all these files and a whole system from scratch basically.  He’s decided to stay at this school for at least another year.  I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I’m about 75% sure that he’ll stay at this school forever.   And 85% sure that he’ll stay for about 5 years.  Though there’s also the kids to take into consideration, he’s all ready said that he wants to stay and make sure this one boy graduates.  I’m sure he’ll keep getting attatched to various kids and not want to leave.  At least he doesn’t mind the drive, because I really like Omak a lot better than any of the other surrounding towns.   Well, there is another little town that’s a little closer to his school that I don’t mind too much.  The only thing with that one is that it’s really a little town, and Omak has Wal-Mart and Safeway, movie theatres and all that good stuff.  I guess only time will tell.  I’m definately learning that at this point, I can’t really plan all that sort of stuff the way I’d like to!  Though we’ve been looking at places for sale in Omak the whole time we’ve been here. 

In the mean time, I’m happy with our cute little apartment.  Well, I’ve still been keeping an eye open for a house to rent.  We don’t want to pay much more than we are now, which is going to make it difficult.  It would be nice to have a little more space, and the main reason would be so we could have at least Luke’s dog with us.  I think we’d have to pay a lot more to get a place with a yard big enough for Maggie!  Not only that, but she really does need a play mate, so we’re talking TWO labs!  So we’ll probably have to wait until we have a house of our own until I’m able to have my dog.  Maybe we could talk to our landlord now about being able to have Luke’s dog here.  He’s only 6 pounds! 

There was actually a "house" for rent the other day that was only $55 more a month than we’re paying now, I called and asked if they would allow dogs, she gave me the address and told me to take a look at the place first.  I definately see why!  It looks more like a re-purposed shed than a house!  Luke and I decided it definately wasn’t worth it!!

We celbrated our one year anniversary of our first date on May 23rd. We went to Spokane and stayed at the hotel Lusso, and had dinner at this nice little Greek resturant, Niko’s, which was really great. We also walked around and did somewindow shopping and talked about furnature that we liked, and all the other kitchen stuff we’d love to have. ~s~  And I finally took the picture of the ring I liked to the jewler in Wenatchee, he said it would be about $1,050 just for the ring part and the little diamonds on the side.  The center, 1/2 carat diamond from them costs $1,800!  Yikes!  Though hey, I can get a 1/2 carat pendant from Wal-mart for $509, and Luke and I are going to check out pawn shops too, I mean I don’t care so much about where the diamond comes from, I just really like the design of the ring it self, and if I have the guy in Wenatchee do it, I know that it will be really quality work.  So I gave all the info to Luke, I mean I may have picked out the ring and all that, but I don’t want to know WHEN he’s giving it to me! ~L~ 

So Luke has decided that he’s going to do harvest this summer.  He’s been talking about it pretty much since last summer, so I knew this was comming, and I knew it was soon, yet when he left, I still cried like an idiot for about an hour!  The only good thing was that since he’s been working on adjusting his schedule (since he works graveyard on harvest) so the last few nights I’ve been going to bed without him anyway. So I can just pretend that he’s still up in the livingroom! Then in the morning I can pretend he’s all ready gone off to school.  Sure, I’ll just be all dilusional and everything will be ok! 

It’s nice at least that now we both have cell phones, and we can call each other as much as we want, even if he won’t have much time to really talk to me. I just have to keep being positive, I really don’t want to keep being upset by this, I need to focus on keeping myself busy and trying to enjoy my "alone" time.




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June 16, 2008

thanx for the note. keep in mind if a landlord does let u hve dogs they usually charge you extra and per pound.

June 22, 2008

it’s great to hear from you! sounds like things are going well. i know it must suck to have luke gone but hopefully it won’t be for too long. and when you guys do have matching schedules you can meet up and go crazy! much love hon.