It’s worth it

So I’ve been sick pretty much since Sunday. I guess all the stress of trying to get everything packed on time, and the excitement of finally being up here, and not sleeping well for a few nights took it’s toll on me.  Sunday night I was freezing, I couldn’t seem to get warm.  I was ok on Monday, I went to work and felt ok, then Tuesday my nose was so stuffed up.  It didn’t help that we cleaned house for a lady that had four cats.  Her house was actually really clean, I think it was just the vaccuming that kicked it all up and stuffed me up even more.  Later that day my voice started going, so Christina decided we’d quit early that day.  She told me that if I needed to take a couple of days off, that would be fine, and she made sure I knew it was ok.  She said she’s been in that position many times, where you start a job and get sick but don’t want to ask for a day off when you’ve just started.

So on Wednesday when I woke up feeling and sounding worse, I called Christina and told her I woudln’t be coming in.  I didn’t feel all that better by that night, so I called her and told her I wouldn’t be coming in on Thursday either.  And since she has a prior commitment on Friday, I don’t have to go back to work until Monday.  Oh, then I have Tuesday off, since it’s my birthday, and I asked if I could have the day off.  In the mean time, I’ve been looking for another job.

I really don’t mind the house cleaning so much, but I’ve discovered that all though being obsessive/complusive may be a good thing if you hired me to clean your house, it sucks for me to notice every little detail and have to spend that much longer cleaning something that most people would probably never notice!  Not to mention that the drive is 45 minutes either way.  It’s only 35 miles, but the fact that it’s all winding mountain roads slows things down a bit.  And I’d rather take my time than drive too fast on those roads!

Ok, and I much rather would prefer a nice office job or something where I felt like I was accomplishing something.  I know, you’d think cleaning would give me that feeling.  But I really just feel like I’m working all day and not getting anything done.  I guess it’s becuase I’m not the one enjoying the product of the cleaning.  But I knew I was going to have to keep looking anyway, so that’s ok.

Anyway, I’m still so, so happy to be here with Luke.  He’s been taking such good care of me and it’s just so great to be hanging out with him here in OUR apartment!  Of course, I can’t wait until I’m feeling better and I’m able get the rest of my stuff put away where it belongs and get all settled in!


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March 21, 2008

Aww I’m sorry you’ve been sick. Stress is an evil thing, evil! I hope you feel better soon sweetie. *hugs*

March 21, 2008

it makes sense to me, just look at it as a stepping stone job and don’t give up looking for an office job. God knows i know how hard it is looking for a job. so drink lots of tea, get better and i’ll be praying you find a better job. đŸ™‚

March 25, 2008

oh yea! finally with luke. that’s great! i’m happy to hear that you’ve made it. yeah, house cleaning can feel really rewarding seeing the progress you make but also, very tiring. it’s nice that your bosslady is so nice about taking time off though. much love hon.