Nothing new

I didn’t hear back about the loan shark job. I’m pretty sure that they said they’d know by today.  I guess there’s still some chance though.  In the mean time, I wrote to the lady with the cleaning service.  (Her name is Christina, by the way, and she’s not really that much older than me.)  Anyway, she’d mentioned gas reimbursement for gas, so I asked her how much that would be, and asked her if it would be ok if I started on Sunday the 16th.  It’s a little more than two weeks, which Luke pointed out.  He told me I should start this next Monday!  ~L~

I want to be able to give some what of a decent notice at work.  I’ll probably tell them that my last day is going to be the 11 or 12.  I figured that way I’ll have some time to get the rest of my stuff moved up there and have at least that Saturday with Luke.  The funny this is though, I don’t want to officially give my notice until I hear back from her and she confirms that I’m going to have a job.  It sounds logical, even though she all ready said to let her know when I’d be avaliable if I wanted to do it.  Ah well, better safe than sorry! 

I went to Old Navy tonight and tried some things on.  I hate that so many of their shirts are made from that flimsy cotton material!  And I wish that the Old Navy here still had a plus sized section!  Occasionally, there will be something plus sized down there, but it’s only because someone else ordered it on-line then returned it to the store here.  Actually, I was just looking at the Old Navy wed site, it says that the plus section is exclusively on-line.  Wow, that sucks.  I was hoping the store in Seattle had a plus section.  I don’t want to have to order boat loads of stuff just to have a couple of things fit! (though that would serve them right!) It’s always that way at Old Navy when I try things on, I go in with arm loads of things, and come out with like one or two that work.  Sometimes more will fit, but it looks like hell!  I’m not sure what my whole point in writing that was, I guess I’m just babbling!

I talked to mom on the phone for a while tonight, it was nice.  At least today I feel like she’s ok with me taking the housekeeping job.  At first, she was all, you can do better, it’s too far to drive, etc.  I told her again it would just be a temporary thing until I find something better, and in the mean time, I get to live in my apartment, with my boyfriend! WOOO!  Though I really do need to get my universe in line now.  I need to think and feel about that perfect job and make it happen! 

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February 26, 2008

Definitely better safe than sorry! I hope everything works out and you’re happy. 🙂 Old navy’s clothes have really gone downhill. They used to be the best, then they went into their weird patterns & cheap fabric phase. That sucks that they don’t have plus size in stores anymore, I didn’t know that! They always used to but I haven’t shopped there in a couple years now. Every once in a whileI find something great on eBay from the “old” Old Navy that’s still brand new… works for me. lol

February 26, 2008

the quality of stuff that old navy sells has gottne bad. and i find that a lot of their stuff runs very small (shirt wise). and for a while i had issues with their tank tops, they are apparently made for women who have no boobs and short torsos…..which would make my stomach stick out. that is a big no.

February 26, 2008

LOL @ Lessoff’s comment. Stomach exposure is a big no-no in my world too. RYN: Yay! Although the commute is going to be somewhat annoying sometimes, it’ll give you a nice chance to wake up in the morning and unwind at night. Hit up your local library for some audio books and good luck at the new job! *hugs*

February 26, 2008

I’m not a huge Old Navy fan….

February 26, 2008

I think taking the job is a positive move. I’ve worked as a cleaner at a B&B in the past – it’s the kind of work where you get home at the end of the day feeling satisfied for putting in a hard day’s labour. Cleaning for a living is not as bad as it sounds. Best of luck! You’ll soon find the right job for you. And I’m excited that you get to live in your own apartment with Luke too! Woot!

February 26, 2008

i think the cleaning service is a good move. it’s one step in the right direction, you’ll get to actually live in your apartment with your guy, and you can still search for something else in the meantime! much love hon.