So in love

Work went pretty quickly today, I was able to get a lot of projects prepped, though lately I kinda feel like I’m busting my butt getting things prepped/finished, and that just allows everyone else to slack off. ~sigh~ I’m so unappreciated!! ~L~ Oh well, I’m still doing a fair ammount of slacking myself, so it’s all good!

When I got off work, I made a quick trip to Safeway, I needed some champagne to take up to Omak, and mostly, I was doing a favor for Adam (who’s 20) and buying a bottle of wine for him to take to Margret.  I was telling him earlier how Luke had written me and said, "so no flowers? I don’t know, my spidey sense is tingling… this may be a trap!" ~L~ So Adam said all though Margret had told him she wasn’t into Valentine’s day, he was still worried that he might get in trouble if he didn’t do something for her!  I had suggested champagne and chocolate mousse, though there’s this wine he knows she really likes, so I offered to get it for him.

The drive up to Omak went well, not much traffic, and the roads are all bare now.  I think that pesky groundhog was wrong! Thank goodness!  The only slightly bad thing was when I got to the midpoint of the drive and my low fuel level light came on!  Oops! At least it wasn’t much farther to a gas station!

Luke had bought some mondo steaks for us, and planned on grilling them, so I’d brought up my cute little habatchi for the purpose.  I admit it, I was thinking these were going to be the driest, toughest steaks ever, given the size of them and how my expereiance with grilling steaks has always led to tough dry steak!  However, I’m very happy to say that I was wrong and they came out wonderfully!  Luke also steamed lobster tail and made stuffed mushrooms and asparagus!  It was all so delicious!

Oh, and he made me a valentine!  Woo! It’s the best thing I’ve ever gotten, like ever! Just because he made it!  Check it out!

                                                                            I just wanted to say                              you are funny, smart, beautiful                       

sexy, bold, great, artistic, smutty, and organized, to name a few

(I’m pretty sure it’s the first time he ever used glitter glue pens! ~s~)

He also got me a frog leg bottle stopper (it looks like there’s a frog jumping into your wine bottle! It’s so cute!) He actually got it for me for Christmas, then pulled out out the day after, all, oh, I forgot to give this to you! I told him to hide it until my birthday, so of course I’ve found it laying about a couple of times since then! ~L~ So I guess he got tired of trying to "hide" it!  Then he gave me this pen that I had told him I wanted. Ok, I was standing right there when I kinda, sorta, pretty much told him to buy it for me!

(Yup, she’s really a pen! Isn’t it the cutest thing EVER??) I saw it last year and told mom I really wanted it, and she didn’t get it for me, so I thought I’d give Luke the opportunity before I just went and bought it myself!!

And, the most romantic gift ever, I framed up a Goya print for him, "Saturn devouring one of his children" I didn’t get a picture of it actually framed, but here’s what it looks like:


~L~ yup, we’ve got twisted taste in art! Luke once had it up on his MySpace, and they actually deleted it!  But hey, it goes really well with Picasso’s Guernica that’s all ready up there!

(Nerdy art facts: The original Guernica is 11 1/2 feet tall by 25 1/2 feet long! An amusing fact, there’s a replica in the UN, and back in like 2003, Colin Powell and someone else were going to do this big press conference about how this war is a good thing, then someone realized how terribly ironic it would be to have this huge anti-war mural in the back ground, so they put a nice blue curtain up instead!)

Anyway, it was a really fabulous Valentine’s day, like the best one ever! It was the way I always wanted it to be, cooking dinner with someone I love, sharing a bottle of wine and enjoying one another’s company.  So much better than going out! 

Oh, and here’s the lovely valentine that I made for Luke!

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February 18, 2008

The valentine he gave you is so sweet! The one you made for him is amazing – I wish I had your talent!

February 19, 2008

Guernica is my favourite Picasso piece! I’m pretty sure the story you told did involve Colin Powell. What a sweet valentine card Luke made – but holy moly yours destroys any darn valentine’s day card I’ve ever seen. You got skills! 😛

February 20, 2008

thanks for reading.~ not exactly a frame shop. but somethiing like that. and yes.. i try not to worry about it but sometimes when i get home.. it’s just stuck in my head!.

February 24, 2008

That’s so, so sweet! 🙂 And the valentine you made him is beautiful! 🙂