(F)un-productive day

I slept forever this morning.  I meant to get up a bit earlier and have more time to lolly gag around at my leisure, but that didn’t really happen.  I spent a lot of time on my computer, picking out pictures so I could take them to work and make that album.  Then it occurred to me that it snowed last night, and I should go brush off my car, then I ended up shoveling the driveway!  At least it didn’t take too long, and it made mom happy when she got home to find it done.

It’s still pretty dead at work.  I thought we were at least going to get in one of our orders, but we didn’t.  The store manager was all freaked out about it, even though it’s not effecting too much right now.  If we don’t get it by tomorrow, well, then I’ve got a lot of people I’ll have to call to let them know their stuff won’t be done on time.  I did find out that one of our orders got sent to the wrong store, and they tried to send it to us, but they ended up getting it right back. ~sigh~ They’re going to try reshipping it tomorrow, so hopefully they do something right and we get the order!  The other order didn’t make it  because there was too much snow on the pass.  Ah well, it’ll be there tomorrow, and if not, well, I’ll just have to make a few phone calls.  Most of the time our customers are pretty understanding about things like this, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.  I don’t know why I’m babbling so much about work, how boring am I?  ~L~

Anyway, the best part about work was that since there was nothing to do, I was able to play some more!  Woo!  And since I finally got some pictures printed off, I was able to finish my one valentine display, and get started on the other little album display they asked me to do.  Oh, and I finished one little page that was a display for some rhinestone brads, and ok, I’m going to go get the pics off my camera so I can post some pictures for you guys! 
First, here’s the Valentine I made.  It ended up having an engagement theme, even though Luke and I aren’t engaged, I was just trying to come up with ideas, and it worked! (Besides, I really wanted to use the sparkley numbers for the wedding date!)

I used rubber stamps and clear embossing here, down at the bottom of the e it says "head over heels" which I should have done in black!
  The "Lucky Girl" and "Blessed" are rub-ons, they’re the main reason I ended up going with a engagement theme, because they’re cute and I wanted to use them!
These two pages could have been better, but it’s still kinda cute.  Tiffany calls it the "you, the, to, heart" page, because she only read the sparkly parts!

This is actually a velvety paper that we sell, I drew on the swirly sparkles with this stuff called "stickles" kinda like that puffy paint from back in the day.

This page is one of my favorites, it just looks really pretty.  One of the details I like, that you can’t really see in this picture, is that the little metal heart has "laugh" on it, I used a little rub-on for that part, and I like how it looks like it just came that way!

It’s really fun punching out a whole swarm of little hearts!  Then placing them carefully so they all look pretty!

I like the way this turned out with the ribbon and the little wedding bells there, oh, and the fact that the stamp set I found to write "save the date" didn’t have an "h" so I made that one with an l and an n! 
And here’s the sparkly wedding date, which would actually be a Thursday, but I still like the date, so maybe… ~L~ It would be cheaper to get married on a Thursday, wouldn’t it?
The bit of pink paper ended up in there because I was trying to stamp another swirly on there and I messed it all up!  It works ok though!

Everyone really loved my valentine, I was showing some of the cashiers tonight, and a customer came along and started ooohing and ahhhing over it too, so I was really blushing!  And of course I got asked about the whole save the date thing, and hey, is there something you’re not telling us??  ~L~ Mary insisted on writing "NOT FOR SALE" on it.  I think it would be kinda funny if someone bought it!

Here’s the other page I did for a display/use for the rhinestone brads:
  I think it came out all right, maybe a little crowded, but it’s still pretty!

And here’s what I’ve done so far on the little 6×6 chipboard album:  I don’t think the papers match all that well, but according to the people that make them, they’re supposed to go together…

I still have 3 two page layouts to do for in between those ones, but they should be fairly easy, I got all those done just today, which means I really have no excuse for why I haven’t finished more of my own scrapbooks! 

I was talking to Tiffany about how when Luke and I went into the Cheesemonger shop right before Christmas, that the guy in there recognized us, even though we hadn’t been in there since probably July or August.  This is only relevant because latter I was telling Tiffany how funny it was that Mary had wanted to write "NOT FOR SALE" on the valentine display that I made, because who would really want to buy a valentine with pictures of Luke and I and a fake wedding date?  Tiffany said, well, maybe the guy from the Cheesemonger shop… ~L~  So I did the Elf impersonation of "I know them, I KNOW them!!"  I’ll have to remember to tell Luke about that, I didn’t have time to think of it when we talked tonight, he wasn’t feeling very well, and he’s been having trouble sleeping.  That tends to happen to him after we’ve spent a couple of nights together.  How sweet is that?

When I got home I was able to get a few more pages done in Jennifer’s baby book, it’s going along pretty good, so hopefully I should have it done soon!  The album I chose is 8×8, so it’s faster to put the pages together, though they are getting pretty repetative.  Oh well, she’ll still like it!  I think I may even steal some of her baby pictures off of her MySpace and do a couple of the pages for them.  I am going to tell her that if she needs any pictures printed off, I can totally do that for her!  Anyway, it will be nice to get that done.  I don’t have any pictures of that album yet, but here’s a picture from the last time the girls and I were all together!

From Left to Right: Jennifer, Ashley, Kim, Tiffany, Allyssa (on the floor) Margret, and me!  I still can’t believe I’ve met so many wonderfully fabulous girls at work!

Since I’m doing pictures, here are some random ones that really have nothing to do with anything:
My puppy Maggie with Santa!

The Christmas Picture mom and I did this year:

And the nice improvements I’ve made in mine & Luke’s apartment, here’s a before pic:

And here’s what it looks like now:

I made our headboard from a piece of plywood, some batting, and some material that I just stapled around on the back.  It’s held up with a couple of 2×4 for legs that stick between the bed and the wall.  I did have to stick a rag behind each corner to keep it from clunking against the wall every time you moved!

I really wish I could do something with the horrid orange wood doors, I thought about painting them white, I don’t think the landlady would mind too much, as it would make them look a lot better… though they’re so glossy they would be a real pain to paint over! 

Ok, that’s all for today!

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January 9, 2008

oooh, pictures galore! i love pictures. the album looks beautiful. you definitely have an eye for detail! and how funny would it be for you and Luke to get married on the 9th or very close to that date? I’m happy you’re doing so well, hon. Keep up the fun! much love.

February 6, 2008

thank you for read my story and the nice comment. nice pics and looks likeyou had tons of fun there.