Better now

I over slept a little this morning, nothing new… It’s funny how when I’m with Luke, we go to bed fairly early and wake up early, but when I’m alone, I just don’t want to go to bed!  I suppose that makes sense, I’m sure I even said that before, I’d go to bed early when I had a good reason to go to bed early! (Like a warm, naked man! ~L~)  Anyway, I at least had enough time to get ready, and I was right on time for work.  It was snowing a little this morning, but the snow brushed off really easily, and there wasn’t any frost, so that was good.  I was hoping it would stop snowing though!  I still wanted to go to Omak, but I wasn’t going to go if it was going to snow all day and the roads were going to be all crappy!

There still wasn’t much to do at work, we took a few orders yesterday, so I pulled those out and started prepping them, very slowly mind you!  I could have gotten all three of them done in an hour maybe, but I managed to make them last about three hours.  I found plently of other little random things to distract me, including the valentine display that I’m still working on.  Hey, creative things take time!  I took another page out of the book, it’s getting too over-stuffed, and I don’t want to think of any other ideas for the other pages!  I decided to just punch holes in the book to hook it together, it’s going to look a lot better and be a lot easier to do.  And that way, I don’t have to worry about it falling apart either!  Mary asked me to do another display for some rhinestone brads she has, since I used them in the valentine, so I guess I have something else to do! 

Mom called to let me know she’d read the weather report and that it was going to start snowing around 3, I told her I was thinking about leaving early, and she was all for that.  I decided I’d at least stay five hours, then I’m not killing my paycheck too much!   

I finally asked Max if I could leave early, I told her we were all caught up and there wasn’t a whole lot to do. (Tiffany is sitting behind me painting this giant clothes pin for a display, and I didn’t mention that for the past, oh, three days pretty much all I’ve been doing is working on my valentine display!)  Max asks who’s here today?  I say, um, Nancy, Chuck, Tiffany, and Adam will be here in half an hour… ~L~ So she said I could leave!  I’m glad she didn’t decide that there was something else I could do somewhere else in the store, but I think even the cashiers are hard pressed for something to do. So I was able to get out of there at 1:30, and really, I’m only losing 2 hours, so that’s nice too!

I had to go home first since I didn’t pack last night, and I didn’t have any time this morning.  I just tossed a few things into my bag, I have most everything in Omak anyway.  Then I decided I’d have lunch before I left, so I sat there and ate and read my book, then I went to see mom and give her a hug goodbye.  She was really glad I was leaving early.

It started snowing a little as I left Wenatchee, but it didn’t really get too bad.  The worst part was actually the people who were driving really slow, there was a little snow on the road, but you could see the pavement, and the roads were clear earlier, and there hadn’t been any ice or anything, so there was really no reason to be going that slow!  I was able to pass most of them, though I did get stuck behind this one truck, I couldn’t pass because it was so foggy that I couldn’t see which way the road was going, and the truck was kicking up so much snow and crap!  At least he wasn’t going really slow!  Earlier, I’d passed one truck that was going about 30… sheesh! 

Anyway, I’m just really happy to be here in Omak with Luke.  I needed a break from my mom, and it’s nice to spend some time in my appartment!  That and I just feel so much more relaxed when I’m with Luke, everything is just better.

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January 6, 2008

wow, valentine’s day already? it seems so far away, but wow, it is already january. hard to believe how fast time flies. urghh, i hate when cars go so slow when it’s completely unnecessary. they shouldn’t be out on the road of they’re too timid! much love hon.