A nice day

I was a little late getting to work, though that’s what I get for sceduling myself to work at 8am!  Ok, I had a good reason for it, I wanted to leave at 4 today to get to Omak sooner, but I also wanted to get in a full day.  I’m trying to work as many hours as I can, and maybe I’ll stop using my credit card and be able to save a little before I find a job in Omak.  That way, I’ll be able to have a little extra money for what ever, since I probably won’t be able to find a job that pays what my job does now.  

Today was good though, I spent most of it with Kim, we took our breaks together, had lunch together, and worked together a lot.  We had to go through and straighten and stock the shelves first, so it took longer than we planned.  It’s such a mess!  I was telling Kim that if I were going to be sticking around, I’d do so much to organize and arrange everything and make it all fabulous.  But it’s way too much work!  ~L~ 

Kim was also telling me how one of the guys that put on the Monster Mash found her on-line and he was saying how awesome she and her group were, since we were out there right in front the whole time!  Then he said they were thinking about putting on a New Year’s party, and he asked her what kind of party would they have to throw to get her and her girls to come out!  ~L~  We’re semi-famous!  ~L~  So Kim told them she’d ask me for ideas, since I’m so creative like that!  I suggested a black and white ball, or maybe a masqurade ball… something that would be classy and give girls a chance to wear fancy dresses!  She thought it was great!  And if they did something like that, I’d even hang out in Wenatchee for New Years!

Tiffany was late getting to work, she went to have her hair done, and the same girl that screwed up her hari before, at least a couple of times, so I don’t know why she went back to her.  I guess she really screwed it up bad, Tiffany was in tears, so the lady tried to fix it.  Poor Tiff.  I told her that as her friend, I will no longer allow her to go back to that woman!!  I told her that in a couple of weeks, after her hair has had a chance to recoup, I’d take her down to Casey at Elements, I think they’ll be able to help her! 

When I got off work, I remembered to ask Tiffany to switch shifts with me on Saturday, she said she would, so I’m happy, now I can leave Omak at 9, rather than 7!  Yeah!  I don’t know why, but I was thinking earlier it wouldn’t be so bad, because Luke would be leaving earlier, but he’s not, cause Saturday isn’t a school day!  Duh!  Oh well, still, leaving on Saturday morning won’t be as bad as leaving Friday night.  And at least now, I’ll be able to spend a little bit of time with Luke on Saturday morning.  Maybe we’ll go out to breakfast or something, that would be nice. 

The drive wasn’t too bad, there were some people going pretty slowly, like 50, and making me crazy!  It’s so nice now having a car that I can actually pass people in!  Ok, so I went through a little extra gas, but that’s ok, I made good time, without going too much over the speed limit! 

When I got to the apartment, I totally attacked Luke. ~s~  I told him earlier that he should have dinner turned off, or on simmer, becuase I was planning on attacking him!  After that, we ate dinner and cuddled on the couch.  It’s just so great being here with him.

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November 9, 2007

hon, i don’t know what’s going on but your diary is not showing up on my favorite’s page at all. it shows that you haven’t updated, not until the middle of october, but that’s obviously not true! what the f@ck, opendiary? this is not cool!

November 9, 2007

oh, well there’s my answer to the job questions i just asked! haha. oooh, a masquerade party would be amazing! so much fun to dress up and dance the night away. i love new years. much love!