
The last few days I’ve been working on a list of things that Luke and I would need to take with us for our fist load of stuff to move into our new appartment. (That we don’t have yet!)  So this morning I started gathering some of that stuff up.  I’m really hoping we hear something soon, I really don’t want to be calling the lady all the time and pestering her!  (Though I’m going to have to if she doesn’t call soon!)  I’m just so eagar for us to get our own place together!

At 11:30 I went and picked up mom for lunch, we went out to Ton, Dick and Harry’s, a burger joint we used to go to all the time before I had a job, and back when my schedule was all wonky and I’d have the occasional Wednesday off.  We go on Wednesdays because their burger bundle is only $4.99 (and we’re talking good hamburgers, not just fast food junk!)  Anyway, it was fun going out there and having lunch with mom.  And who knows when the next time is that we’ll be able to have lunch there?  Hopefully, Luke and I will be moved away before too long!

About 7pm, Luke called me at work, I was outside taking a break, so they let me know when I came back in, and I went and grabbed my phone, since I don’t quite have Luke’s number memorized yet (I speed dial everything!) He’d left me a message on there too, sounding all sad, wanting to know if he could come over tonight.  I was about to call him on the store’s phone when my cell phone rang, it was him calling back.  I told him that of course he could come up tonight!  Poor guy sounded all sad. 🙁   Then I called my mom and let her know that Luke was going to be coming over tonight.  This is why we need to be living together!  ~s~  He actually left me a comment on my MySpace yesterday , "I love you and when I am not with you I realize how little I am with out you to bolster me."  So very sweet. ~s~ 

When I got home from work, I asked him how he was doing, and he said just driving from Ephrata to here helped a lot.  Then he told me to go spend some time with my mom, which is so sweet of him, though it made me feel a little bad, like I should be spending time with him, I haven’t seen him in a week and I spent practically all that time with my mom.  Of course, he’d never say that.  He ended up watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls with us, or most of one anyway, he was too tired and decided to head to bed towards the end of it. 

Finally, I was able to get away from my mom and go spend a little time with him before he passed out!  It’s getting so difficult to evenly distribute myself!  And it stinks that I’m always making him come up here.  I actually like going to his place, I mean at least there we don’t have to hang out with his dad and Luke and I can actually spend some time together!  

I still feel guilty for ragging on my mom… ~sigh~  It’s just so difficult when she wants me to spend every spare moment I have with her.  I mean I understand where she’s coming from, and I’m trying to remind myself of how jealous and left out I’ve felt when mom’s been dating someone and I wasn’t able to spend as much time with her as I wanted.  I should also remind myself that things could be worse, she could be making me feel really guilty about moving out, and she could be demanding that I pay her back right now, which would leave me without any money to put down for my half of the first, last and deposit for an appartment.  I’m so confused, I don’t even know what to complain about any more!

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You’re back! Wow, you moved out? When did this happen? Glad to hear you are still with Luke!

September 9, 2007

sounds like you are being worn thin! hang in there girl! hopefully you will be hearing from that apt place soon, unless you already did and i’m about to read it in just a few seconds. . . . 🙂 much love.

October 30, 2007

If you go to it can help you make a list for starting up a home.. boy that is a huge deal, getting your first place. We have a burger place kinda like that here too