
For my favorites, there’s an actual entry about yesterday back there <~~ 

Um, let’s see, I suck at up-dating, Vegas was well, ok, not really my place, but we had fun anyway.  Luke met my dad, and most of my dad’s side of the family.  It went well, they were really nice, so that was a little strange, but also a sign that they liked him.  Once he’s further initiated into the clan he’ll get picked on more!  ~L~  Luke said he was a little bummed that my dad didn’t actually pull out the shot gun… ~L~ Yeah, my family is crazy! 

Mom and I spent last weekend up in Canada for her birthday.  I’m hoping to have some pictures posted soon!  I’m going to try to be better about keeping caught up here, while working on filling in the past entries where I can! 

Luke has started teaching now, I haven’t seen him in five days and I’m missing him like crazy!

I was thinking there was more I was going to say here, but I can’t remember now… so yeah, nice seeing you all again!

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September 6, 2007

glad all went well.

September 7, 2007

what is luke teaching and how far away from your home will you be moving? much love.