The space between real and make-believe

Mom and I went to the drive-in last night.  We saw Ocean’s 13 (I liked the first one better, and I haven’t seen the second one) and Spiderman 3 (Tobey McGuire is an ugly, scrawny guy! ~L~ Um, and spiderman is a crappy boyfriend in my oppinion!).  So we didn’t get home until about 2:30 in the morning. Or maybe it was only 2, I can’t really remember!  I stayed up until about 4 though.  Writing in my journal and writing to Luke and whining about everything.

He wrote me this morning and told me that he’d consulted a flock of seagulls, and the ancient texts, and that he knew when the last day of harvest would be, but he didn’t tell me!  ~L~ He offered to tell me, for a steep price (that I probably wouldn’t mind paying double… ~hehe~) or asked if I wanted it to be a suprise.  I opted for keeping it a suprise, though now I wish I knew!  I’m pretty sure it’s either tonight, or the next one!  Oh, and he didn’t read the e-mail I wrote him last night, because I’d know if he had, since I was so down.  It’s understandable though.  He’s usually too tired when he gets home.   The bummer thing is that I didn’t get a message from him tonight.  He might have over-slept, or maybe tonight is his last night, and the only way he could keep himself from telling me was not writing.  I don’t know, I’m sure he’s got a good reason though!

I really hope this is his last night!  It’s so insane how much I miss him!  I just saw him 3 days ago!  It wasn’t so bad at first, because he had more time to write me and even call me, but now that he’s working longer hours, I’m just not getting enough of a fix, ya know? ~s~  Well, that and the whole thing of us talking about moving in toether, and if that’s going to happen in September, that’s only a month and a half!  And I know as it is, we’re rusing things a bit, but I do want to go into this with my eyes wide open, and I do want to talk to him about a million things before we move in together, and every day that goes by that I can’t talk to him is one less day to get to know all of this before I have to make this big decision. 

I guess traveling with someone and spending five very hot days in Vegas with them is bound to teach you a little something about them!  I know that we’ll have plenty of time to talk about every thing we need to.  Oh, and did I mention that I borrowed a book from one of my mom’s friends?  More specifically, a book called "Intellectual Foreplay" that’s full of questions to ask yourself and your partner.  I haven’t gotten past the introduction part of it yet, but all ready it sounds pretty damn good!  I’ll have to share more with you guys as I get more into it!

Anyway, work was work, nothing new or interesting there!  Though my scedule is a little screwy, and it probably will be for the next month and a half, so I suppose I’ll have to get used to it!  At least I’m getting more hours now!

Um, I didn’t work out today, *boo* so definately tomorrow morning!  I’ve at least been working on eating better and drinking more water!  I keep forgetting to take my vitamins though!  Ah well, as long as I keep making some kind of effort, I can’t totally screw things up!

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July 18, 2007

yes, please keep us posted about that book! it sounds very good. this is a fun message. you two will be together soon! and don’t worry about rushing things. within 4 months of knowing my mom, my dad proposed and then they got married 3 months later. talk about rushing things, huh?! and they are still happily married. much love hon!

ooh, I like the sounds of that book!

The book sounds really interesting. I’ll have to check it out. Good job with the water and eating better. For vitamins I have one of those pill cases with the days of the week. That way I know if I took it or not and don’t double up or think I took it when I didn’t. It isn’t rushing if things feel right, it’s only rushing if they don’t.

August 18, 2007

Hey you, where’d you go?:)