Lisa the destroyer

I think I may have somehow messed up the computer, here at the place I house-sit… um, that’s not good at all!  I was using their computer to print the "thank you" on the paper for my wedding thank you notes, and I’d brought over the font on a disk and figured out all the spacing to get the right number on a page, and the first time I saved it, it didn’t save right, so I left the computer on with that up there.  So really all I did was leave the computer on for a day and a half!  Anyway, I was in the middle of an e-mail to Luke when it shut down on me.

Today, mom and I hung around the house I’m house sitting.  Mom had some paper work stuff she needed to go through, and I started putting together the thank you cards.  I’ll have to take a picture of them!  ~s~ 

Oh, I found the perfect, perfect thing tonight when I was looking through the Omak/Okanogan paper for jobs.  Someone’s looking for a caretaker, and in exchange for doing some animal and landscape care, a place to live!  That would be so nice!  I’m going to start writing up a resume for it, they don’t say if they would be ok having a couple live there, but I’m thinking since Luke is going to be teaching in the area, and we’re both very credible college graduates, they’d be more than happy to have us.  Maybe I’ll fudge it a little and say we’ve been together longer, then they’ll be less likely to worry that we’re going to break up or something. I mean most people don’t put a lot of faith in relationships now a days, and probably even less in a couple that hasn’t been together that long.  Besides, it’s not really lying to say we’ve known each other for 3 years! ~s~

Wouldn’t that just be the greatest set up ever though? I mean, damn, free rent??  Wow, that would be so incredible!!  It would give Luke some extra to help pay off his student loan, and we’d be able to save a bundle too!   It would be so perfect if this worked out, then I wouldn’t have to worry so much about getting a great full time job, I could just work part time to cover the basics, and be able to focus more on the scrapbooking business and other great things like that!  Yeah, I’m definitely going to apply!!   Two birds with one stone, pretty darn close anyway!

Tonight, mom and I went to the concert out at icicle ridge.  It really is a nice place, I can’t wait to take Luke out there!  I was whining to mom about how I wanted Luke to go with me, but there will be other concerts out here later that he can come to with me.

Not too long after we got there, it started raining, and for a little while, it was quite the down pour!  When it eased up, mom and I were wrapped up in our blankets, and in the little tarp we had put down under the blankets, along with the emergency poncho I got out of my truck and huddled under an umbrella!  All I could think about was how if Luke was there, we’d be hunkered down, making out under the umbrella!

Lukily, the rain didn’t last for too long, though we should have dressed a little warmer, it got pretty chilly!  I took some video footatge on my stupid phone, I’m not sure how well that will turn out!   But I took some on my camera too, and that should be better!  I’ll try down loading it tomorrow, I’m not sure if I can attatch videos in e-mail or not… hum…

The concert was pretty good, I had to drink a bottle of wine (oh darn!) I was going to get the Muscat, which is a sweeter white that mom would have liked, but she wouldn’t have drank much of it anyway, so I just got a bottle of their new Smooth Jazz Cab release that I knew I’d like!  It’s so good, I’m going to have to get another bottle to share with Luke!!  Mom had to drive home since I drank that bottle of wine, even though it was over 3 hours, and I had a full plate of food that I nibbled on for an hour and a half, I think I’m starting to get tired, and strangely, I’m starting to feel more buzzed now that I did when I left the winery. 

It’s about 3am… yeah, I’m totally a night owl.  I think Luke and I are going to have a hell of a time breaking ourselves of the night owl habit.  Though we’ll have a very good reason to go to bed early! ~s~  I think I’m also going to try getting up at the same time he does, then I won’t be tempted to stay up way later and make him feel like he should stay up with me.  And with any luck, I’ll also be motivated to work out in the mornings!

some on my camera too, and that should be better!  I’ll try down loading it tomorrow, I’m not sure if I can attatch videos in e-mail or not… hum…

You know, if videos in e-mail work, you’ll be getting some interesting things from me!!  I miss you so damn much sweetie!!  If things had gone as planned, we’d be together right now, naked, you kissing my neck, my hand wrapped around your hard cock… damn… I want you so much right now!  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you get another day off soon!! 

Oh, so the concert was pretty good, I had to drink a bottle of wine (oh darn!) I was going to get the Muscat, which is a sweeter white that mom would have liked, but she wouldn’t have drank much of it anyway, so I just got a bottle of their new Smooth Jazz Cab release.  It’s so good, I’m going to have to get another bottle to share with you!!  I really enjoyed it, again, thinking about you the entire time! 

Mom had to drive home since I drank that bottle of wine, even though it was over 3 hours, and I had a full plate of food that I nibbled on for an hour and a half, I think I’m starting to get tired, and strangely, I’m starting to feel more buzzed now that I did when I left the winery.  Which means it’s the perfect time to drive to east Wenatchee!!  Yeah!   ~L~ Nah, I’ll be just fine.  I’ll write you a little more when I get over there, just so you know I’m ok!   Well, now hopefully their computer isn’t still being stupid!

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