45 days

It’s been 45 days since Luke first wrote to me on myspace… I think there’s only been one day since then that we haven’t talked or coresponded in some way.  I was asking him if the 9th (when he first e-mailed me and we started talking) was the official anniversary, or if we should go with the 23rd, (the date of our first date).  He said we’d just celebrate both of them!  He’s so sweet! 

Mom and I went to the drive-in tonight, it wasn’t anything too great.  28 weeks later, which was meh, not too impressive.  Gory, a little scary, but most ly just stupid.  Bill was right, they could have done better.  After that we watched DOA… based on some video game I guess.  A bunch of kung-fu fighting, skinny little women in skimpy outfits… but at least they kicked ass!  I can forgive excessive scenes of skinny little women in skimpy outfits as long as they kick ass!! 

I got back from the drive-in at about 2am, I started drinking this bottle of wine, which wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t always think that I have to finish the entire bottle.  I mean damn Lisa, this is why we buy cheap wine, so then it doesn’t matter if you can’t drink the whole thing! But oh no! Can’t leave a bottle of wine unfinnished!  Usually, that’s not a problem for me, but since it was all ready so late, and I was tired, it wasn’t a good thing. 

It actually ended up being the first time in about 8 years that I’ve thrown up unvoulentarily.  Before I’ve always realized that I was going  to be sick later if I didn’t just make myself be sick right now!  Last night though, I thought I was fine, I crawl in bed, I don’t even feel all that spinny, and I even fell asleep for a little while.  Then I woke up feeling, well, off I guess, spinny, like I was going to get sick.  I barely made it to the bathroom in time! 

Actually, I didn’t totally.  Side note, it’s never a good idea to have a woven basket full of magazines next to your toilet.  I didn’t puke in the basket, but the part where I kind of started throwing up before I made it to the toilet did.  Yes, I’m sure you’re so happy I’m sharing all these details with you!!   After I cleaned up, and put some things in the washing machine, and had some bread, I was fine.  I went back to sleep and everything was ok after that!   Another side note, it really is beneficial to have short hair in situations like these! Bleh!

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