Home again

This morning, I finally got to go shopping at craft warehouse!!  Who ever thought I’d be quite so excited about that?!  ~L~ But their store is bigger, so they have more stuff!  I got some scrapbook paper that was on sale, (for wedding thank you notes!) some ribbion, a few other nifty embellishment things for scrapbooking, and a really awesome paper cutter!
On the drive back, I took my time, actually, Kari told me to when I left.  She said, take your time, claim an 8 hour day! ~L~ I think she may be a little worried about losing me.  I’m back to thinking about staying, though some things would have to change, and I’d need to get paid a little more!  It’s always such a pain trying to get a raise from those people!  They just like to tell me how good I have it, but I can always remind them that they’re underestimating how annoyed I am with everything!  I think I may even be underestimating how annoyed I am with everything!

I took a lot of pictures on my way back.  It took me about an hour and a half longer to get back than it did for me to get there!  Stopping to take a bunch of pictures takes up time!! It was a little odd for me to be pulling over all  the time, and it was hard to relax and enjoy it, I’m so used to just getting in the car and driving from  point A to point B as quickly as possible! It was nice though. I even took some side trips.  I mean if there’s a view point, I was there!

The furthest one was the Mossy Rock dam view point.  I guess that was worth it for the drive,
even if the view it self wasn’t that spectacular! The one that was really disappointing though was the view point where you were supposed to be able to see Mt. St. Helens.  Unfortunately, it was too over-cast, so you couldn’t tell if the top of the mountain was still there or not!!

I was going to call Luke around 3:30, before he went to work, but I was near the top of the pass then, and I didn’t have any service! Drat!!  I’ve really just wanted to spend hours talking with him these last few nights.  

I was glad that I took the time to do some sight seeing, even if it did take me longer to get
home!!  Though I didn’t take into account the gas I was using for the sight seeing, and when I filled up my tank at that safeway on my way out of town, I thought, Oh, this is great! Since on the way there, I made it to here and had a couple of gallons to spare, I’ll be able to make it all the way back into Wenatchee on this tank!  Except I did some extra driving around…  I was on the top of Blewett pass when my car beeped at me to let me know I was about to run out of gas!!  So I’m watching the digital read out, 4 gallons, 3, 2, 1… empty tank…  It actually says empty tank in little gree digital letters… Thankfully, I was just about at the end of the pass road, and there’s a gas station at the end of it! 

When I got home, I got a suprise, my mom’s friend Ginny had come to visit!  She lives in Ione, but she’d been over by Seattle to visit one of her sons, so she decided to stop and see us!!She’s like an aunt to me!  We all went out for dinner. We had to wait about 30 minutes for a table, but the place is worth it.  It’s actually the same place Luke and I had our first date, and we even sat at the same table!  Of course, that made me miss Luke that much more!! 

We went home and chatted for a while, then I had to leave since I’m house sitting.  My schedule sure is busy lately!

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