Business Trip

Luke left early this morning to go to his teacher thing in Bridgeport.  I stayed up a while after he left and did the dishes and tidyed up a bit so mom wouldn’t kill me when she got home!  I feel bad for keeping him up so late, I’m completely wiped out, and I took a two hour a nap!  And the poor guy has to be at this meeting all day, then he’ll get back just in time to go pick peas all night!  Ugh! 

I should be ready to leave for Vancouver by now,  but I’m not! It won’t take me too long though.  I all ready have my over night bag that’s aways ready to go, I have my directions printed out, and all I need to do is toss some clothes into a bag for the next couple of days.  Oh, then I do need to stop by work really quick and get some things, then I should go to the recycle center and get rid of the cans in my back seat, and stop by the bank to deposit some money I guess I have more to do than I thought I did!

I borrowed Luke’s T-shirt, it has a little leprechan on it and says "Lucky"  I had it on when mom came home and she said, "I see you got lucky!" ~L~ My mom is such  a riot!

While Luke was here, the subject of us moving in together came up.  Ok, that sounds way more official than it really was, I guess it was more like sorta tossed into the conversation at random.  Kinda like, hey, maybe since you’re thinking about finding another job anyway, you could look up around Bridgeport or Omak…

I wrote Luke before I left and told him that I like the idea of living with him, but I want to make sure that we don’t rush too much.  Right now it seems like a spectacular idea because I want to see him way more than I do, but considering that we’ve only actually been on like 4 dates, yeah, god I do love rushing into things!  ~L~ I suppose we’ll be able to spend more time together before we get to the moving in together part though.  Once he’s done with harvest and that whole insane schedule I’ll be able to see him and talk to him way more often.  I also told him that I don’t want him to feel pressured either, there’s no time limit or anything.  Right now, I’m just loving every minute I get to spend with him, and looking forward to being able to spend more time with him and continuing to get to know him.   

I finally got on my way to Vancouver, I took the highway that goes over the pass rather than taking the freeway.  It was a really nice drive.  I was a little tired though, ok, more than a little.  Anyway, the highway hooks up with the interstate, and I’m going along, and there are all these signs for Portland, and I know Vancouver is right there before Portland, so I’m going the right way, but why don’t any of these signs say Vancouver? It’s a pretty big place, it would make sense…  Then finally I see one: Vancouver 35 miles  ~L~ Thanks  for the heads up!

Before I got to Vancouver, I stopped for gas, since the Safeway there had gas for $2.89, and that’s a good deal better than the $3.15 it is in Wenatchee!  There was a McDonalds right next to it, so I thought, what the hell, I’m hungry, it’s cheap, and it’s right there, and I don’t want to be driving all over the place in Vancouver looking for somewhere to eat.  I went inside, since I had to use the bathroom too, so I go up to the counter and ordered a number nine.  The kid behind the counter asks if I want just the nuggets, or the whole meal. I’m like, um, the meal…  and kept myself from saying, which is why I ordered a number nine, if I’d just wanted the nuggets, I  would have just ordered the nuggets.  Like come on man, everyone in the fast food nation knows when someone says they want a number nine that they mean they want the whole meal!  Damn, I hate fast food…

I eventually get into Vancouver, I found the hotel ok, got checked in, and made myself comfy.  The place was pretty nice, and I’ll admit that I was glad I didn’t have to share!  I brought some scrapbook stuff to work on, so I did that for quite a while, then it occured to me that it was getting late, and I’d wanted to go over to the Vancouver Craft Warehouse, which was only a few blocks away.  By the time I got over there, they were doing the "we’ll be closing in 10 minutes" speech, so I didn’t get much of a chance to look around.  I was suprised by the size of their frame shop work area. Considering the rest of their store, it’s little!  I think it’s a little bigger than what ours is, but not much, and the space isn’t used well.  And here I was, all prepared to have frame shop envy… ~L~

The craft warehouse closed, so I went to the Safeway across the street and bought a bottle of wine.  ~s~ I’m so glad I keep a swiss army knife in my truck.  Thank god for the swiss and their idea of putting a cork screw on a knife! ~L~ Ok, so I could have just bought a cork screw, but it’s so much cooler that I have one in my truck!!

So I went back to the hotel, did some more scrapbooking, watched HGTV and drank wine.  It was quite nice, even though the entire time all I wanted to do was call Luke and talk to him!  I was a little worried about him, I was so tired, and I know he had to be worse off, I was hoping he hadn’t fallen asleep, and that he got to Bridgeport and back safely.  That man needs a cell phone! 

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