A Day of Bliss

Luke got here at about 5:45 this morning, I set my alarm so I’d be somewhat awake when he got here.  We took a shower, had some damn good sex, then went to sleep!  We woke back up around 5 or so, had more sex, got dressed, then went to the comedy show.  They did it pretty much the same way they do it on Who’s Line is it Anyway? We had some good laughs, and I was really happy that Luke was able to be there with me. ~s~

When we got home, I started working on dinner, Luke was very helpful, and he kept asking what he could do to help me, and that was so great!  I have a feeling that in the future, we’re going to work very well together in the kitchen, I love cooking with somoene else!  It was good thing that he helped too, since it would have taken me forever to do everything by myself!  Dinner turned out really good, everything was so, sooo good! 

We went to bed, though we didn’t sleep, and even though we were both really tired, we ended up staying up until about 2am! 

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