missing you

I didn’t have to work until 2pm today, I had planned on spending the entire morning laying sod, but I just could not motivate myself!  I’m getting so sick of SOD!!  It’s a good thing for it that it looks so good and makes me envision a wonderfully beautiful back yard!!  I finally managed to get out there, but I only did 2 hours worth.  Before that though I managed to read a couple of chapters of my book and write Luke 2 e-mails! ~L~ I’m bad!

Work sucked.  We’re so behind, I’m so tired, and I just wanted to go home!  I seriously wasn’t holding up well at all!  I knew I should be working my butt off, but I just couldn’t focus, I was so tired!  I was starting to get all happy because it was all most closing time. Then this damn lady comes in, which I wouldn’t have minded so much, because at least if I’m helping her, I’m doing something productive! But then she just took forever, and she couldn’t make up her mind, and then it was 9, and they did the closing announcement, and the lady didn’t even say, oh, I’m sorry, or anything.  No, she actually decided to go take a look at some of the other frames!  I gave myself a lot of points for not losing it, and thankfully I wasn’t so tired that I burst into tears or anything like that. (Being really tired can do that to me, I’ll get all upset over little frustrations like that.) But I managed to keep it together!

Something good happened today though!  We all ready got our AC fixed!  The guy came out the other morning, he’d said earlier he didn’t know if he’d have time, but he was able to sqeeze us in. The last 3 times it’s broke down, we had the people from artic air come fix it, so this time we got someone different! Though the guy did say that we should think about getting another unit sometime soon.  

I miss Luke, I really miss him.  It’s so amazingly sweet that he calls me before he goes to work, and that he takes the time to write me a little e-mail too!  In his e-mails, he tells me about how he keeps reaching his foot across the bed, looking for me, wanting to cuddle up against me.  That’s just the sweetest thing! ~sappy grin~  At least I know for sure that I’ll get to see him on the 22 and 23!  I’m all ready planning out things for us to do!  The bonus is that I’ll be house sitting then, so we’ll have a place to ourselves!  Now, I wouldn’t take just anyone into someone’s house that I was watching, but I think i can trust Luke!  Oh, and they have a hot tub!  Oooh, I’m so excited!!

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