All ready

I miss Luke all ready.  It hasn’t even been a whole day yet!!  I’m back to working 8am to 4pm on Mondays, I’m so not ready for 8am after staying up so late last night and not getting enough sleep all weekend!  I don’t even remember what I did today! 

When I got home, I had an e-mail and a phone message from Luke.  I played my message, he said he loved me three times.  Mom comes around the corner and says, "I love you?"  All ready?  I just grinned.  I didn’t want to tell her it was all my fault for being drunk and jumping the gun, and that though I really really like him, I’m not quite *there* yet.  ~sigh~  However, mom was impressed, three times… that’s really something!  You know, earlier this week when we went for our walk and I was telling her how I had talked to him about Jake and how I was still a little nervous about everything, she told me not to worry.  She said he really likes you, I can see it in his eyes.  That just makes my heart melt… I guess I’m starting to feel it a little more now.  ~s~  He also said he loved me in the e-mail he wrote me… Yup, he wrote me an e-mail too!  He told me how much he missed me, and that he couldn’t wait to see me and talk to me again. ~s~

Mom and I went to the store, where we saw Jennifer.  I told her more about Luke, since all she really knew is that I put up a picture of the two of us on my myspace!  I was telling her about the Vegas thing, and how we were joking around about it, and mom said, I’d be so upset if you did that!  I’m all, mom, chill, I’ve only been planning my wedding for 10 years!  I’m not going to just toss all that out the window!!  Besides, I think just about everyone I know would be mad at me if I got married without them being there! 

We laid more sod tonight.  Thank god we don’t have to pull all the weeds!  We’d be doing this forever!  ugh!  Oh, and some of the sod has icky little ants in it… icky little ants that bite into you and don’t let go!!  This explains why on Friday when I went to see Luke my thighs had a bunch of little red bumps on them!  Evil little ants!  How dare they bite me for laying on them!  Anyway, hopefully the sod won’t take too much longer to get done!

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