Last day *pout*

I really like waking up with Luke.  ~grin~  That’s all I’m going to say about that, I promise!!  ~L~  We really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning though, I think knowing that I had to leave today made it worse!  Unfortuneately, we didn’t have a choice, since Luke had to go out and take care of his grandpa.   

After we were done at grandpa’s, I suggested that we go to Soap Lake and see if that resturant the lady at Jone’s winery had suggested was open for breakfast.  It wasn’t, so we went to another place down the street.  I ordered my biscuts and gravy, since that’s one of my favorite breakfast out things to have.  They had the nerve to be out of gravy!  How can you run out of gravy?  Do you not have flour and the fat from cooking the sausage?  And here I assumed this was a typical small town where people know how to make gravy!  ~L~ Ok, I wasn’t that irrate about it, but it was fun to whine about it!  Oh, then not only did they not have gravy, they didn’t take credit cards either!  Luckily, there was an ATM across the street!  I would have paid for it, but I used my cash to pay for the wine I bought the other day!  After breakfast, we were walking past the little play house they have, and we noticed that they were having a matinee at 3pm, so we decided we’d come back for that!

In the mean time, we went back to his house for another romp!  He gave me another quick  rub down, so then I had so show him how it’s done.  ~s~  I think he was about to fall asleep on me!  I had to drag him out of bed to make sure we got back for the play on time!

The play was all right, funny in places, but it didn’t come across as funny as I think they wanted it to.  It was worth it though, I love going to plays!  (Even if later I pointed out how all of the directors I’ve worked with in theatre would have a fit about how the audience could see backstage through one of the set doorways, and that the price tags were still on the umbrellas that were sitting in the umbrella stand on stage!)  I guess that’s one of the drawbacks to doing a lot of plays, you start noticing things like that! 

We left the theatre and I checked to see if mom called, she had, and I was going to wait until we got to the car to call her back, but then she called me just then.  I told her we’d seen a play, and that I’d probably be leaving within the hour.  It was 5:30 by then, so we stopped by grandpa’s again to give him his nightly pills.

We went back to Luke’s and I started packing up my stuff.  Though somehow, we managed to get distracted… ~s~  It was 7pm before I left.  It took us like 10 minutes just to kiss each other goodbye!    I should have called mom when I left, I hadn’t really thought about it.  She was pretty upset with me when I got home.  She hadn’t been able to reach me on my cell phone, I must have been in a dead spot or somthing.  It didn’t help matters that our damn central air unit had broken down again.  We’ve had the damn thing fixed every summer that we’ve been here!  And on top of that, she’d been laying sod all by herself for two days, and grandpa yelled at her about pulling the weeds.  I guess he’d told her the other day not to worry about them, just lay the sod right over them and it’ll kill most of it, then the rest you just use weed and feed on.  So she was a bit grumpy.  She still wanted to go to the drive in though! 

Even though I was tired, it was worth going to the drive in.  We saw Wild Hogs and Bridge to Terabithia, both were really entertaining, and of course Bridge to Terabithia made me cry and made me want to read the book again!  I was absolutely exhusted by the time we got home, but I still had to call Luke and talk to him for a little while!  Since he’s going to be starting harvest tomorrow this will be the last chance I’ll have to talk to him for a while! 

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