You call this a vacation?

Today was the first day of my "vacation".  I really wish we could roll over vacation days instead of having to use them all!  I’d much rather save my vacation day for an actual vacation!  Mom told me last night that in the morning we were going to go over to her friend’s house and get some free sod.  She and her husband are re-landscaping their yard, well, just taking out more of the grass because they have such a huge lawn it’s becoming a real pain!  So mom’s friend told us we could just take it, and told mom that it wasn’t much, maybe 80 square feet or so.  We figured a couple of loads should do it. 

We went and got the first load and brought it back home and laid it down.  Last night after work mom had gone out and pulled some of the weeds and put the hose out on the yard so it would be good for laying the new sod on, so it went right down and we got some water on it then went back for the next load. 

Putting down sod is hard work!

Maggie says it’s worth it!

By the time we got the FOURTH load home, we decided to take a break!  We were filthy, and there was more sod to be had, but it was getting hotter, and we were getting tired!  I was really tired, since I’d been up until about 4am talking to Luke! 

We took showers and relaxed in the craft room, I made a template of the 6 x 6 scrapbook album that I made for Luke’s sister.  Now the next time I make one I know exactly how many pieces of paper I need, and just how to cut it!  That’ll really be nice!  And even nicer if I happen to get my butt in gear and start putting those things out so I can sell them!

About 7pm we headed back for more sod, we got 4 more loads, so a total of 8!  We’re pretty sure it’s going to be enough to do the entire back yard!  We’re really excited about it!  We’re going to have to pull all the weeds before laying it down though, so that’ll suck, but the part we all ready have down will serve as good motivation! 

My poor truck though!  It’s so dirty!!  (So was I!)

I talked to Luke tonight for an hour, I was just too tired to stay up any longer!  I’m excited about seeing him this weekend.  Earlier in the week, he’d said, "I’m actually looking forward to it." So I was giving him a bad time about "actually" looking forward to it. ~L~  Though then I was telling mom how that really applied to me, considering I was so nervous about the whole thing before!  So I actually am looking forward to spending the weekend with him and having the chance to hang out, just the two of us, and get to know him better.  Oh, and not only am I going to his sister’s graduation, but tonight he also told me that his mom is having a BBQ after, and we’re invited, but we don’t have to go.  I said of course we do!  I’m good with parents, and I want a chance to talk to his sister a bit and I’m sure she’d want him to be there!  So now I get to meet his whole family!  I don’t think I’ve ever met any of my boyfriend’s parents before.   Well, I’ve met parents of guys I’ve dated, but it’s never been anything serious.  When I met the parents in question, it wasn’t like, oh, you could be my future in-laws or anything like that!  Though here, there’s a possibility… ~s~  I guess I am feeling a lot better about the whole situation.  I’ve forgotten all about that big shiney red panic button.

Mom asked if I all ready told him I was staying Saturday night too, I said yes, and she’s all, you weren’t supposed to do that!  What if you change your mind?  She has a valid point, I’d once spent the weekend with another guy (who also lived in Ephrata) and I wanted to leave after the first night.  Though in that case, the only reason I didn’t was because mom had a gentleman caller at home, so I didn’t want to barge in on them.  Then it turned out that mom’s guy left after the first night and I could have gone home!  Anyway, I told her if I didn’t want to stay Saturday, I wasn’t going to stay Saturday, even if I’d said I would.  I’m not going to make that mistake again!  Though I don’t think it’ll be a problem!

I packed my clothes while I was talking to Luke, and I warned him that I’m notorious for over-packing!  I always bring way more than I need!  I’ve been working on that, but sometimes I mess up and have the opposite problem and don’t bring enough!  Sheesh!  He was telling me that his summer job called today (the combine thing) and asked him to work tomorrow.  He said no, and they’re all, oh, right, because of graduation!  He’s like sure, that’s it!  Then they asked about Saturday, and he said no, Sunday?  Maybe… ~L~  He said since he knows the people who run the harvest, and he’s told them about me, that they figured out the real reason he was saying no!  Though it looks like he’ll be starting Sunday or Monday.

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June 9, 2007

That’s awesome that you got free sod! Have a great time with Luke for the weekend… sounds like fun 🙂