Much better

This morning I was woken up by roofers nailing tarps on our roof.  It’s not like I could have slept in much longer anyway, but damn it!  Then mom came in and told me to make sure I didn’t go walking naked in front of the window, since I seem to have a tendency to do that when ever we have anyone over working in the yard!

I got to work and found out that Tiffany had called in sick.  Latter I wrote her and asked if she got cooties from that boy.  Turns out she got strep throat.  ugh.  Poor kid, that’s the worst!  Because of Tiffany being sick, the schedule had to be re-arranged.  Maxine had left me a note and said to call Barbra to see if she could close tomorrow.  That’s pretty stupid if you ask me, then I’d come in and open, Robin would be there an hour later, then I’d leave at 5, Robin would leave at 6, then Barbra and her limited knowledge would be all alone for 3 hours!  So I took matters into my own hands, I asked Robin if she could come in an hour early and open, I called Barbra and arranged for her to come in from 10 to 3, and then changed my schedule so I would close.  That makes a little more sense.  I also made sure Diana (who has some framing experiance) would be around in the morning to help them if they needed anything, then I even sat things out to be done so they wouldn’t even have to figure out what to do!  And I informed everyone who needed to know, spread the word about what needed to be done, left good directions, and *gasp* I MANAGED THE FRAME SHOP!  Huh, they are really going to be feeling it when I leave…  ~evil laugh~

Because of what was going on at work, I was a little late getting to my chiropractor appointment, luckily, she was able to get me in after the patient that had the appointment after me.  It was really cute, this little hispanic girl was in there, and she comes out and starts chattering to her poppy in Spanish, twists her little body and makes this "crack/crunch" sound, chatters some more in Spanish, grabs her head and mimicks the adjustment and makes the "crack/crunch" sound again.  ~L~ It was so darn cute!

After I was done there, I went to costo to pick up some things.  I ran into Andrea, who works there, but also has a part time thing at the craft warehouse doing demos.  I talked to her for a while, and found out that she had been sitting behind Luke and I at the movies when we were on our first date.  She said her boyfriend had been getting annoyed at me because I was laughing so loud!  I just thought, huh, what a jerk.  Who gets mad at someone for laughing too loud?  Jerky people, that’s who!!  Though I did tell her that I may have been a little drunk at the time, which I was!  When I told Luke later, he laughed and said no way was I laughing too loud!  That’s good!  I really can be rather loud sometimes!

When I got home mom and I went down to the park for a walk.  It was nice to get out there twice in a row!  We weren’t sore, and I was really impressed with how fast we were able to walk!  It’s nice to know that we’re still in pretty good shape despite our laziness!

I told mom how I feel so much better about my relationship with Luke now that I’ve talked to him about what happened with Jake.  Just the way he responded to everyrhing makes me feel so much more confident!  I’m really glad that I told him, it was like this little dark thing eating away at me…  Now that we’ve talked about it, the fear I had that he’ll respond to a situation the same way Jake did is gone.  Yeah!  I’m also feeling a little more comfortable with the "I love you" thing.  I know, it should be about feeling in love, and it shouldn’t be a thing, but since I went and blurted it out I’m just going to have to deal with it for now.  If I don’t start feeling it, that’ll be the end of that and it won’t matter anyway.  Ugh, what a crappy thing to say!  I really do like him, I like him a lot!  I just jumped the gun and now I’m dealing with the consequences.

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