Busy Holiday

I thought because of the holiday things would be pretty slow at work, but we actually had quite a few customers.  Way more that I expected!  Even with that, I could have gotten more done today if Robin hadn’t been needing my help every few minutes.  ~sigh~ I understand that she’s learning, but I just get frustrated when I can’t get anything done!  Well, and then again, it’s unfair to blame her because I was goofing off more that I should have!

I got my vacation days set up today.  I have to use them by the 21st of June, my anniversary date when I’ll be getting another 2 weeks.  Because there’s this meeting Robin and I are going to this frame shop meeting the 13-15 of June, and Tiffany is leaving for China on the 17th, so I had to sqeeze them in so I didn’t lose them!  I’ll be getting two 4 day weekends, this weekend and the one after.  I wish I’d done something with these days before, and I really wish they were use or lose, I’d love to have them for later in the summer!  Oh well, at least it’s taken care of!

The had a little pot luck at work for the holiday.  I ate way too damn much.  I really stuffed myself.  I absolutely hate that feeling, I really do.  I don’t think I could ever be bulimic, but I seriously think about making myself throw up when I feel that full!  At least after I got off work mom and I went for a walk!  I haven’t been working out at all lately and I’ve been feeling so damn lazy!  I guess if I weren’t staying up so late talking to Luke on the phone I’d be able to get up earlier and work out! 

Speaking of which, I talked to Luke tongiht (of course!)  I decided that since my anxiety was centered around what had happened with Jake, that it might be helpful to tell Luke about some of the things that happened with Jake.  It was really helpful.  When I told Luke how the first fight that Jake and I had was about how Jake had made last minute plans, then gotten mad at me because I was a little upset with him (upset, not mad, not angry, just a little upset!) Luke said, what? He couldn’t even invite you along?  I said I doubt that ever occured to him.  Jake very much wanted to have his alone time with his friends.  In fact, I never even met his friends.  Luke thought that was odd too.  Then I told him about the incedent with the mamogram, I started off saying how I’d had to get this mamogram becuase my doctor had found a lump.  Luke stopped me right there and asked if I was ok.  I thought that was very sweet of him, and very much the right responce.  Then I went on to tell him how since Jake had an appointment with a realotor to see an apartment, he was only able to drive me to my doctor appointment.  Again, Luke had another perfect responce, "You’re kidding me!  He couldn’t reschedule to be there for you?"  Nope.  Then I told him how I’d called Jake from the mamogram screening room, pretty much bawling and freaking out, and though he tried to comfort me, he didn’t offer to come back.  Then the final kicker, after I found out the results and tried to call Jake, he didn’t answer his phone.  At hearing that, Luke was all most as upset as I had been.  Of course the added bonus was that when I met Jake for lunch later that day, he didn’t understand why I was so upset about it, then he got mad at me becuase I wouldn’t accept his "sorry" and get over it.  It’s all right though, since Luke was saying he was sorry that I had to go through that and that I didn’t have someone more supportive there for me. 

It really helped me to tell Luke all those things.  I know it’s supposed to be some big no no to talk about your ex boyfriend to your new boyfriend, but I really had to tell him about it, I needed to know his oppinion on what had happened.  It made me feel better.   

When we got off the phone, he said he loved me.  I said I love you too, though it feels a little strange.  I just don’t want to make things awkward by taking it back. 

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