Day of Pampering

Today is the day mom scheduled for our facials, I was hoping to have made some kind of progress weight wise, but unfortunately, things are still the same.  Though I didn’t really want to think about that, instead, I wanted to just let go and enjoy myself.

We went to Sertino’s for breakfast.  They make these really grest breakfast crescents.  Usually we linger in the cafe for a while and enjoy ourselves, but we had to hurry because we were running just a little behind and we didn’t want to be late for our facials!  Though it turned out when we got there that mom had told me an earlier time, since she wanted to make sure we got their early to enjoy the relaxation room.  I understand that, but I wish she would have told me rather than just letting us sarf down breakfast like that!

Anyway, since we were early, they had a nice foot soak for us.  They showed us to a little room where we could change, there were two changing "rooms" made with curtains, and no door on the room itself, which was odd.  While we were changing into our robes, mom kept pulling the curtain aside and talking to me.  We were laughing about it, and it got to the point where she’d pull back the curtain and just start laughing!  Then she declaired that she could never be a rich bitch because she’d get kicked out of places like this for laughing too much!  I decided that I can’t be a rich bitch because I’m too damn fat… The robes they gave us didn’t fit very well, I think mom’s was bigger, because she seemed to be ok, but it was hard to enjoy my foot soak while having to hold my robe shut and feeling all uncomfortable and being reminded that I’m too fat!  Eventually, one of the ladies came in to check on us, and mom asked if they had a larger robe.  They go me one, but it wasn’t too much better.  Oh well, not too long after that they came and got us.

The place that we went to for our facials is part of a group of 3, one of which is Elements university  where we usually go for our hair cuts and under arm waxing and all that stuff.  I’ve gotten facials there too, the only real difference is the atmosphere.  At the fancy salon, you get a foot soak and a quiet room with the soothing music.  At the university, you just come in and have a little curtained off section which can be very noisy at times.  But as far as the facial it self goes, it was nothing spechial.  I may have to try a couple of the other salons and see if they’re any better.  I don’t mind paying more for it if the facial itself is nicer too!

After we were done there, we went to do a little shopping.  We stopped at petco because mom had to get something, and I went over and looked at the hamsters and the birds.  I want a parakeet… two of them!  I always want animals, but I swear my attention span for caring for them is that of a little kid!  I’m ok with fish, and I can take care of our dogs, but when I had bunnies, I lost interest very quickly, and I’ve had a bird before, though that was in college, so I was a little busy, and I was driving between Pullman and Ione a lot, so I didn’t really have time for the poor thing.  Don’t worry, I gave it to my mom, then while she was out of town for a couple of weeks my dad forgot to feed it.   That’s a terrible story!  ~L~  I still want birds though!  I’d have to figure out where to put them first, and I should probably get one of the bird cages from dad’s house before I did that.  It would be stupid to buy another one when there are at least 3 there! 

Next we went to JoAnn’s, their scrapbook embellishments were 40% off, and goodness knows I don’t have enough scrapbooking stuff!!  I bought a really cool album though, some more bazil paper, and a few embellishments.  I’m so addicted…

We swung by costco really quick after that, we had a few things to do there, and some shopping, but it ended up being just a quick stop to get my inhaler perscription and for mom to drop off some film.  It’s realy amazing what a difference my preventative inhaler makes.  Though sometimes I feel like the asthma thing is really mostly in my head.  It seems to me that the only time I had trouble breathing when I was younger was when I was sick, but maybe those are the only times I remember it.

We had to hurry at Costo because I had a massage appointment!  Yup, I’m totally spoiled today!  Mom had hers yesterday, so she dropped me off to be pampered some more, and she went and picked up some things for the BBQ we’re having tonight.

We had time to do a little more shopping, so we went to the hardware store that has their anorandak chairs on sale.  I’ve wanted some of those chairs forever!  Mom bought two and I bought two.  We also grabbed some paint samples, one of my chairs is going to be pink, and the other green (bright summery colors of course!) and mom’s are going to be purple and blue!  Of course we’ll probably go to wal mart and get the paint, since it’ll probably be cheaper there!  While we were at the hardware store, I noticed their seed packet display.  I bought purple carrot seeds, red and white and various shades of orange carrote seeds, white radish seeds, and little girl pumpkins.  I call them little girl pumpkins because the pumpkin on the package is as big as the little girl that’s standing next to it! 

After that we went home, I took a quick shower, then made a potato salad.  Luke got here around 5, he brought some buns and chips to contribute to the BBQ.  ~s~  We were all sitting on the swing on our patio, me in between my mom and Luke.  He had his arm around me, and inadvertantly started rubbing her arm!  She was talking to me, then stopped and said, that’s me!  I’m like huh? And Luke’s all, I’m sorry!  It was so funny!

Last week I’d bought this book at Costco, it’s a history type book with a "what if?" twist on things.  Luke was a history major, and an admitted book lover, so I had to buy it for him.  I’ve had the thing since last weekend, but I had decided to wait until at least our second date to give it to him!  I figured having dinner with my mom and I was a nice enough thing that he deserved a book!  He was really happy with it, and told me that he’d even read parts of it before because a friend of his has the same book.  I love buying good presents for people!

We had dinner then watched some Veronica Mars, then he and I went to the bar to meet Margret and Tiffany.  While at the bar, Luke and I actually got a talking to by the bartender for being too affectionate.  I think we both looked at her like she was on crack.  She just said, since it’s memorial day and someone might think it’s disrespectful.  Um, we’re in a bar, not a church!  So we decided we had enough of that place!  We went to another bar, he bought me a bottle of beer, and when I was done with that he asked if I wanted another one, so I had him buy me a pitcher rather than wasting his money on a bunch of bottles!  He was actually impressed that I wanted a picture! (Finally a guy who doens’t thin

k I drink too much!)  At the end of the night, I had about 1/3 of it left, so I had to down it, and I even impressed the bouncer!  Luke was all, damn, I love you!  ~L~  He was also impressed that I’d had an Apple martini and a long island at the first bar, then a bottle and a whole picture there, all in about 4 hours, and I wasn’t falling down drunk.  I actually felt pretty good!  (I’d have to be after all that!)  And I was really impressed that Luke didn’t drink anything, because I know he likes to drink, so it was really great of him to be my designated driver!

  Here’s Luke in a hat he borrowed from some random guy!

  A cute picture of the two of us! 

We breifly went back to the first bar, but we were only there long enough to use the bathroom before they closed.  Though we did run into this guy Jack who used to be the bartender at this other place we used to go to a lot.  We chatted with him for a while, he let me borrow his hat and I took the worst picture ever of the two of us…

  Yeah, hi! We’re drunk! 

Finally, Luke and I went back to my house, made out, and well, I may have drunkenly said that I loved him… he said it back, and he’s said it before. (As in the above "damn, I love you" *because you can drink like that*)  But I wish I hadn’t said that.  I was just feeling really good, and it was nice making out with him, and I was drunk… I really do like him a lot, but I don’t really, truely love him just yet.  ~sigh~  I suppose if that’s the worst thing I’ve ever blurted out in my drunkeness, I should be thankful!  The worst part was having to leave him on the couch while I went to my room.  ~pout~  Fine, there are some limitations to living with my mother!!  It would have been great just to cuddle with him.

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