No witty title

Mom and I woke up this morning at 6:45am, blah! We had breakfast then left for home.  The drive was nice though, that’s always the good thing about riding with someone you can talk to, it makes the drive go by so quickly!

By the time we got home, I only had about an hour before I had to be at work, so I took a shower, and threw my clothes in the laundry. (Everything smells like hickory smoke, I really wish Grandpa and Keith would keep that crap out in the garage! At least it’s not as bad as it used to be though!!)

I worked with Bill today.  He was telling me about pricing the frames at $5, since that’s what Kari said to do.  Then there was an issue about frames that were laft by customers, like they buy a new frame and don’t want the old one back, Maxine was trying to say nothing could leave the store without a price/recipt on it.  Hum, can you really charge someone for stuff that wasn’t yours to start with?  Yeah, they were never in your inventory, they aren’t yours! Then Robin was saying, oh, but if they give them to you to throw away, and they’re in the store’s garbage can… What a bunch of crap, she’s all ready management material! I told Bill privately later that I guess from now on, when a customer wants us to toss a frame, I’ll just ask them if I can have it, then it’ll be officially mine! Seriously, it’s going a little too far to charge for things that never belonged to them in the first place!

Carrie was back at work today, she’d been on vacation all last week.  I missed my Carrie!! I should have called her while she was gone!

Oh, I won the auction for that car poster that I screwed up! Hoorah! So it’s on it’s way. I’m glad it wasn’t too hard to find it, and the store will re-emburse me for the cost ($10.51, plus $7 for shipping! $7!! Isn’t that crazy for a poster?)

I was going to go out with the girls tonight, but I didn’t.  Then Mom asked if Luke was going to call, and I said, oh, yeah, as soon as I let him know I’m home! Since he was thinking I was going to go out with my friends. I guess I should have called some people and found out, or made something happen. I guess I wasn’t so gung-ho about it because I wouldn’t be able to drink much because I’d have to drive myself home. Which means I’d only have like one or two drinks, then go home 3 hours later, and I was more in the mood to get really drunk, and since I couldn’t do that, I figured to hell with it!

So I called Luke, we talked for a while, then he called me back using his dad’s cell phone. (Since his dad has free calling after 9pm) We talked from about 10pm until, oh, 4am… ~grin~ I maybe, just maybe like him a little bit… maybe… ~giggles~

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May 28, 2007

Ooh, you like this Luke fellow.;) Awesome! Im glad you could easily find a replacement poster!

May 29, 2007

have you met this luke character yet? i was confused about when you were going to meet him (re-meet i guess).