
Today at work, Doug and Maxine pulled me into the office to talk to me about some things. Doug was saying how they didn’t like my attitude a couple of weeks ago. (Again, check that out a COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO?) And they were glad to see that I’d come out of my slump and was acting like my normal self again. More importantly, after telling me about the funk I had been in (TWO WEEKS AGO!!) Doug says, don’t worry, I’m not going to write you up for it. Excuse me? Yeah, major points to me right there for not laughing in his face! I mean you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, sure, write me up for having the same attitude that everyone else in the store has on a daily basis!

I mean I’d understand if I’d been rude to customers, or snapped at another employee, or even been rude to anyone, but the fact is, I just wasn’t being perky! I was still doing my job and being decent to people! It’s a good thing he didn’t write me up, he would have gotten a damn earful from me! I mean seriously, I know I was in a bad mood, but I really didn’t act any worse than anyone else around there ususally does. It’s no fair that I get held to a higher standard of perkiness than everyone else just because I’m usually more perky! Damn it!

Anyway, once we got passed that, they told me some other things, well, basically, they told me the stuff that corprate Kari had all ready told me (LAST WEEK when she was there) It was great how Doug tried to make it sound like these things were all their idea, rather than Kari’s. Of course I’m all, yeah, Kari all ready told me all of this last week. I didn’t add on "like you should have done, rather than waiting so long like you do with everything."

At the end, I brought up my concern that Robin was getting paid more than me. Doug and Maxine just laughed, told me they would never do a thing like that! But the part that made it unconvincing is after that, they both went on about how lucky I am for being paid what I am. I got a list of other people they worked with that didn’t get as much as I did (and had more responsibility) and that I get benefits, like a few paid holidays, and health insurance that no one can afford is really a benefit!) Ok, the two weeks paid vacation part is nice… I guess too they may have been saying all that so I wouldn’t think about leaving. (Too late.) Doug even made the mistake of challengeing me to find another job that would pay as well and offer everything that they do. ~L~ Ok, if you insist!

I was talking to Tiffany today about my date, and she said, so, he’s not just going to buy you a bottle of wine and try to get in your pants? (Kyle) I said no, Luke’s actually going to buy me dinner, maybe even dessert!

After work, I came home, finished packing to go to grandpas, and mom and I set off. On the way, I was talking to mom about Maxine and Doug being morons, and frighteningly enough, I do feel better after talking to them about the salary thing. Maybe that’s just because I’m so over the whole thing!

Once I’d gotten the stupid job rant out of my system, I was talking about Luke, and telling mom how much I like him, but in a way, he kinda reminds me of Jake. The thing is, he reminds me in Jake in the way that Jake was really sweet, so that shouldn’t be a bad thing. But it just makes me worry, since Jake started out so sweet, then everything went all wrong. But the thing I have to remind myself of is that Jake was very immature, and that Luke, is 29, and he has an actual career. I know it’s bad to compare anyone like that, but sometimes you can’t help it, you know?

It’s all right though, because I still really like Luke! The other night he actually said where have you been all my life? I’m like well, at one point, I was about two blocks away. (Did I mention how we used to live that close together in Pullman??) And more recently, I told mom, we were this close, and I stuck out my arm and elbowed her. That close! Can you believe that? ~L~ I actually did ride with him once in the little truck they had out in the pea field while we were doing harvest, so I really, truely was THAT close to him.

She asked if I was going to meet Luke for our date or if he was going to come pick me up. I’m like, whoa, him coming to the house to pick me up is an option? I guess he’s got some extra status since I used to work with him, which in reality, doesn’t ammount to a whole lot, but still, it’s kinda neat.

We got to Sunnyside around 7:30, it’s such a slummy looking place. I’m looking around, asking weird questions. "Why is everything so close to the road?" "Why do I have to press one for english?" (The was brought on by the sheer number of Spanish businesses and Cate who was earlier quoting John Wayne.) and last, but not least, "God, this town sucks!" ~L~ We had to pull over so mom could wipe off her make up and hide the diet pepsi. ~L~ I’m like, gee, do you have a curfew too?

When we got to grandpas, we had dinner then just sat around and watched tv, which kinda sucked, I mean I actually kinda want to talk to my grandpa and uncle, ya know? I hate when sitting around watching tv constitutes as together time.

The saving grace is that I was able to use mom’s cell phone to call Luke, so I was still able to talk to him at least! Though we only talked for about an hour. I was pretty exhausted, did I mention that we were on the phone for six hours the night before? Yeah, I went to bed at like 4 am, got up at 8 and went to work!

I told him about the thing with Doug and Maxine, and how mom keeps telling me that I shouldn’t bitch to him about work crap, but he’s sweet and says he doesn’t mind. He said he’d have plenty of his own work things to complain about latter, and I said that’s fine, I’m a good listner.

I also told him how despite the whole thing with Doug and Maxine, and the fact that I only got about four hours of sleep, I still had a really good day. I was telling everyone, "I have a date Wednesday night!" He said, "You were all giddy like a school girl?" I said yes, well, precisely, I said, Totally! ~L~ Then he said, me too. Awwww…

Then I told him how I was elbowing mom and saying that I’d been that close to him, then we were wondering how many other times we may have been that close and never reaslized it. I mean we were talking about liking some of the same places in Pullman, it’s entirely possible. Crazy…

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