
Mom and I spent all day out in the garden.  We made rows out of our mound or dirt, so it’s really, truely starting to look like an actual garden!  It’s going to be so cool to get some stuff planted and really grow some stuff for once!  We’ve been wanting to do this, even before we moved, we talked about wanting enough of a back yard to have a garden!  It’s pretty exciting!

We actually went down and bought some plants, I think we’re getting a little excited and ahead of ourselves here!  We got some clearance mini irisis, and found this awesome wild purple rose bush, so we got all distracted by a seperate project and ended up landscaping this one little corner between the fence and the back door.  We planted the rose, and all the little irisis around it, it’ll be neat to see next year when they bloom again!  We also used some stones that we had and put them around the whole thing, it turned out very nicely.

Then we went into the front yard and started planing some more, though I had to go clean up, since I had a massage appointment!  After my massage, mom and I hung out and watched tv.

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