Real Gone

Wow, work is so much better now that I’ve decided I’m not going to be there for much longer!  ~L~ It really was nice today!  There were a couple of times that I wondered if I’d regret quitting this job, but just thinking about staying at my current job started making me all cranky again!  Then I’d think about being gone in a few months, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!  ~L~  It’s definately settled! 

Colleen picked up her scrapbook today.  She was really happy with it, and told me I should do it for a living!  I told her to spread the word!  Later, I told mom to be sure and tell Colleen that I’m sorry it took so long and that I promise I’ll be more punctual if she does find me some work!  Damn, that would be so, so cool.  Double cool, for sure!  (I’m such a dork!)

I’m a little sore today.  All I did last night is pull some weeds!  Ok, there were a lot of weeds, but still!  I’m so out of shape now!  Booo!!  On the other hand, it’s that nice sore feeling, like, ooh, I did something good!  So even if it wasn’t from an actual workout, it still motivates me to get that feeling back!  Also, it motivates me to get back into working out so that little things like that don’t make me sore!

Tonight, mom and I decided to put kickboxing on hold for a while.  We haven’t gone in ages, and we don’t go as much in the summer because it’s too damn hot.  (They really need better AC in that place!)  So yeah.  I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that.  I guess we have our focus mits and gloves, so we can always do our own class.  We’ll just have to set some definate dates with ourselves to do that.  I worry that if we don’t even have the classes we’re paying for to encourage us to do it, that we might not do it any more.  Of course I would whine about it, even though I haven’t gone in so long!  ~sigh~ 

One of the other factors in our decision is also that we feel like second class citizens when we do go.  The instructors tend to treat us as if we’re not just as good as the other people, and there have been times when we’ve gone to more classes than even the instructors!  I hate to say it, but I really think it’s because we’re over weight.  Actually, it really is, since the instructors will compliment the other people more than us, even though we’ve got better form, and we hit harder.  It sucks to have them walk past us and tell someone else (who’s doing a lousy job) that they’re doing really great! I feel like they’re dissappointed in us because we’ve been taking classes there now for two years, but we’re still fat.  I mean that must mean that we’re not putting in enough effort, right?  ~sigh~ 

I’ll just tell mom that we are for sure setting our own kickboxing classes, and that we’re going to stick to them!  I can’t bear to not have kickboxing!!  Actually, there are some of the things we do in kickboxing that I can do on my own, things I’ve actually said before that I should work on outside of kickboxing anyway.  I’ll just keep telling myself that it’s not worth paying $33 a month for it when I haven’t even been going anyway!  The other thing would be that when I get that new job, I don’t want to have to be demanding to be off at a certain time so I can make it to class.  Ok, I guess it’s settled.  No more official kickboxing classes…  

Eeeek!  That is such a scary thing to think about though.  I guess just because we’ve been doing it for so long, and because it makes me feel so good!  But really, I know if mom and I do our own class, we’ll be able to get just as good of a workout.  Ok, I’ll say it again, I’m definately going to make mom commit to doing my class before I agree to quitting the other classes!  I must have my kickboxing! 

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May 8, 2007

sounds like you going through a lot of changes in your life! it’s good. 33 bucks a month is a lot of money when you don’t have to time to go to the classes. maybe you guys could try a new activity with the extra money you have! much love.

Reading this reminds me that I HAVE to work out now!! 🙂

May 8, 2007

Guess What.. Beauty responded. see new entry.

May 8, 2007

RYN: I could say that, but I think she wrote it, and is offended by it.

You could always buy a kickboxing DVD like Tae-Bo. It’s not the same but you’ll save $33 a month.