New bullshit

I’m feeling better about work today.  (Thank god!)  After all the scrapbooking I’ve been doing, and teaching that class, I’m really in that mindset now of wanting to do more of that sort of thing as an acutal business.  There have to be people out there who’d pay me to scrapbook for them!  Or at least who would buy my ready to go albums!  Also, Sundays with Bill always make me feel better!  I complained to him a little more about things, and he talked me down again.  Though I told him I’m definately getting out.  Maybe that’s why I feel so much better…  I was telling him I’ll at least wait until after June, since that will be my 3 year mark, and I’ll get another 2 weeks of vacation!  I’ve also decided I’ll give them a proper 2 weeks notice, since even with 2 weeks notice, they’ll still be screwed!  Good thing they hired that new manager, they’re going to need her.  ~L~  Yup, I have no problem teaching her absolutely everything! 

There’s a new girl doing demos and make and take stuff now, she’s adorable.  I have a thing for brunettes.  Did I ever tell you guys I used to consider myself as bi?  Yup.  Though I decided that I like men way, way too much!  Still, I will appreciate a pretty girl!  Even more so a cute brunette with a great personality!  She’s only 19 though, so that’s a bummer that we won’t be able to invite her out with us!  I should have another party at my house! 

She also works at Costco.  I want to get a job there.  Actually, I’ve decided that that will be where I’m getting my job in July.  ~s~  Yup, I think that will work quite nicely!  Better pay, benefits, and all new bullshit!  ~L~ (I’m sure no job is bullshit free, and I’m thinking there will be less bullshit there, and if nothing else, it’s different bullshit that pays better!)  So hey, I’ll be able to hang out with her even after I quit this job!

Speaking of bullshit, since the schedule is a little messed up right now, I close on Mondays, which means I have to put in the orders for the custom frames on Sunday.  The last two Sundays, I’ve ended up having to type them in really fast, since I either lose track of time or like today, get stuck with customers.  I should have just put in the stupid order earlier in the day, but I didn’t think about it.  By the time I figure out how I should be doing it, it probably won’t matter.  As soon as we get Barbra trained properly, we’ll have her closing on Mondays, and I’ll be able to put my order in on Monday monring when that’s what I’m there to do and there aren’t any customers around to distract me!  Oh, and I’ll be able to go to kickboxing again! 

I really need to go back to kickboxing… I haven’t been in forever, and it’s killing me!!  I mean with as frustrated as I’ve been, I really should be taking every opportuinity I have to punch and kick things!!  I’ve actually been really lazy in general lately, and that really sucks!  I need to get back in my workout goove big time! 

Well, I’m up way too late, since I had to catch up on the last few days! (That’s what I get for slacking off!)  So if I forgot to tell you guys anything, I’ll just have to throw it in latter!

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May 7, 2007

that would be awesome to have your own scrap booking company….ive seen what you can do and you are very talented….take advantage of it:)

May 7, 2007

oh yea! i’m happy you decided to start fresh elsewhere. it’s time for a change, honey! you already seem so much happier too. ha, i love that you’re waiting until june to get that vacation time. that’s awesome! i can appreciate a pretty girl too. i’ve never considered myself bi, don’t know if i could ever do it. but sometimes looking and admiring is nice 😉 much love hon! yay!

May 7, 2007

I would totally trust you with my pictures. Good luck with the whole jib thing, I’m sorry that is it not working out for you!

I appreciate a pretty woman too but have no bi tendencies. I love cute brunettes too. Hehe! Oooh punching and kicking would really help with your work frustrations wouldn’t it? I never thought to mention that.

May 7, 2007

That’s great you decided to quit–they were bullshitting you too much 🙂 Good luck with the scrapbooking–I’m sure people would pay a lot to have you do that. Lots of people have offered me money to do it for them, but I don’t even have time to keep up with my OWN scrapbooks, haha.