Whining, Wishing, and a food log!

I was going to write this last night, but I never got around to it.  So it’s the late Thursday entry with more substance!

I started feeling all annoyed about my job again today. ~sigh~ They interviewd a lady who used to work at Nu Art Gallery.  Every time I tell someone "oh, they didn’t want to put an ad out for a manager" I feel like it’s a lie.  And the fact that they’re so interested in some older woman who has framing experiance makes me think they really do want to hire a manager.  I guess it shouldn’t matter to me.  I really don’t care enough about it to start acting all manager-like.  (Well, I should say I’m not about to start acting like creepy corprate guy’s idea of a manager!)  He told me I needed to distinguish myself from the other people that work back there.  Which I’m pretty sure is his manager speak for, "Stop being friends with them!"  And the thing is, I’m never going to learn what they think I’m doing wrong, because no one ever tells me when I’m doing something wrong!  *boo*

I really need to stop obsessing with the whole job thing. Just let it go and let it be, and focus on doing the things I love in the free time that I have.  I mean I have so many crafty projects to do!  From now on, I’m going to make myself stop thinking about work as soon as I leave work! (As much as anyone can do that!)  I don’t want this worthless place to run/ruin my life as much as it has been! (As much as I’ve been allowing it to.)  I really should apply at Costco.  Then I could have a nice flunkie job that I didn’t have to think too much about even when I was doing it, and I’d be getting paid more!

Maybe instead of a scrapbook store, I could just sell my ready-to-go albums and cards.  Maybe offer to do classes in people’s homes?  I should do something like that.  Doing an entire store by myself is too much.  I did some research, and it’s just more than I can handle right now.  Oh, and then I discovered that one of the stores in the mall is carrying a lot of scrapbooking stuff now.  Though I did ask if they were going to be hiring anyone to do classes or anything like that.  So maybe I can get something part time doing that?  That would be cool too!  But selling my other stuff, that I could do.  I’ll have to look into that!

Food Log (That sounds like some generic thing they’ll feed the starving masses in the future… right along with the soylent green!! Eeeeeeeee! It’s people!! – I really wish they’d re-make that movie!)  Anyway, I thought I’d do this food log thing, try it out for a while.  I may get bored or annoyed with it and stop.  But for now, here it is.  (And you can see how much I’ve followed my "official" diet… Hummm… well, at least I still ate properly!)

2 slices whole wheat toast
1 cup oatmeal
1 egg
1 grapefruit
1 cup milk

1 diet pepsi
1/2 club sandwich
1 cup carrots
8 oz chips

1 1/2 cups cheezitz
1 bottle red wine

I woke up later in the day, so that’s why I didn’t have 3 meals.  Probably a good thing, since I don’t even want to know how many calories are in a bottle of wine! 

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April 27, 2007

i would shop at your scrapbook store! i do the whole scrapbooking thing when i cant sleep sometimes. i can never write down what i eat cuz then i’d have to face what i really shove in my mouth!

April 27, 2007

Work and jobs can be so stressful. But I like the idea of doing classes in peoples home. Maybe you should approach businesses with your ready-to-go albums and cards (if you haven’t already)? Start building up that side of things while you’re currently working your job… who knows where it might take you! Your breakfast sounds really yummy today… =)

You’d probably be very successful running your own small business, particularly with a niche market like stationery and scrapbooks.

April 28, 2007

a scrapbook store is a really cool idea. there are a lot of ppl interested in buying those kind of things too, but it would be a lot of work. i like the idea of teaching classes. i’m sure it’d be a lot of fun and you’d meet different ppl as well!