I got my new bike today!!

You can tell it’s new and special and cool, because it’s in the house! ~L~  I couldn’t bear to leave it out side in the cold!  This is the one from WalMart, it cost $150 with tax, and it looks cool!  I like how it has the thicker cross bar things, it’s not all skinny and wimpy looking! Actually, the $500 bike that I really loved had the same thickness to it.  So if I get really bored this winter, maybe I’ll paint it to look like one of the expensive ones!  I’m really excited about the bike, and a little concerned about the sturdy-ness of my bike rack.  Actually, not so much the rack itself as the hitch thing that holds it to my truck.  We put the bike rack on before we went to get the bike (Because we’re smart!) and it seemed to me even when it was empty it was bouncing around too much, so with the bike on there, it bounced around a lot!  I was really worried that the whole thing was just going to fall off the back of my truck!  Fortunately, the guy we bought the bike rack from is really nice, and he said he’d check it all out for us, so we’ll call him some time soon about that!  Probably next week, since mom’s going to be out of town this weekend, and I’ll probably stick to the cemetary across the street for now!  (Something tells me I may need to get a seat better suited for my large ass… ~L~)  We’ll see how the practice rides go this weekend!   

I mostly followed my eating plan for today, well, mostly.  I didn’t get up early enough to have a proper breakfast, I ended up having 1 evil cinnamon roll (blame mom, she bought them at the bakery the other day!) 2 bananas and 8oz bottle of chocolate soy milk.  I had my salad for lunch, and it was wonderful!  Then for dinner we had hamburgers and fries.  Which isn’t as evil as it sounds, since the burgers were grilled on the george foreman grill, so they had like 0 flavor, I mean, 0 fat, and the fries were made by me, cooked in olive oil, so I’m sure that means they aren’t all that bad!

Anyway, this morning we had a store meeting, which is a dumb thing to do after you open your store and let people in, yet all your employees are standing around at the front hearing about how they need to add on sales!  At frist, I was excited about the meeting, since we haven’t had one in ages, and I was sure that it meant creepy corprate guy was FINALLY LEAVING!  But no.  ~sigh~  (He was supposed to be gone by the beginning of this month, but he’s still here.) The rest of my work day was fairly slow, things are caught up for the time being, so I don’t feel like screaming so much any more!  Oh, and I’m fianally getting a new underling, though she’ll only be working 3 days a week.  That’s better than nothing though!

After work mom and I went to her chiropractor appointment, then for a walk.  The chiropractor lady says it’s ok for us to go to kickboxing after we’ve been adjusted, but it just seems screwy, don’t cha think?  So we went for a walk instead.  Sometimes I really feel like walking does more for me weightloss wise than kickboxing does.  I know it all helps and does different things though.  I’m not going to stop going to kickboxing! But it is nice to take a little break from it on occasion.

And now, today’s check list:

  • Tomorrow’s meal plan: breakfast- 2 eggs, fruit and tea, lunch- salad? (I’m sure it defeats the whole point of "planning ahead" when you’re not sure about what you’re having!) dinner- peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a banana.
  • I think we didn’t have dinner until about 8:30, I really wasn’t paying attention to the time again! (But I was buying a bike! After I went for a long walk! So it’s ok!)
  • Bed time – I really do suck at this… 12:30 now, but at least I don’t have to go to work until 1! -gah, I knew I shouldn’t have thrown this one in here!!
  • I took my vitamins this morning!
  • I drank 128 oz of water!   
  • Mom and I walked for about 50 minutes on the park trail. (I should start timing us)  I did a little of the jogging in place beside her stuff towards the end, since she was getting tired and I was getting more wound up!  (A cute guy smiled at me and said hi! And I was going to get my bike tonight!! It made me want to walk more!!)
  • Oh, I all most forgot! One of the little stores we like to go to (the one that sells paper, where I’ve been buying the envolopes I’m going to some day use for my wedding invatations) had a $5 off cupon, so I bought 20 envolopes, I figured with the $5 off, it made them come to .50 each! Woo! I know, I’m a dork! 

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    April 18, 2007

    Congrats!! I see you’re entry was right above mine.. How nice to be online at the same time.. Cya

    April 19, 2007

    Nooo! Don’t paint the bike. The blue is pretty. 🙂

    April 19, 2007

    I’m hoping to get a bike this summer. I really need one now that I’m not too fat to ride.~jo

    April 19, 2007

    nice bike 🙂

    April 19, 2007

    That one HOT ride

    New bike goodness. Hooray! I do like the size of the frame. I just wish they’d put waaaay bigger seats on bikes. Like, please give me something the size of a loveseat ok? (I always rode the recumbant bikes at the gym because they had the wider seats.) But, maybe I just have a very sensitive bottom. Enjoy the ride!

    April 19, 2007

    chocolate soy milk is the best. i’m salivating at the thought!! and don’t be too hard on yourself with your goals. it is extremely hard to go to bed early every night AND eat three healthy meals a day AND drink lots of water AND exercise. your bike looks very nice! i want to ride again. it’s been a long time. much love hon.

    Your bike is sexy. Makes me wanna go for a ride too.

    April 20, 2007

    Ohhhhh! Enjoy your new bike. I was thinking the other day about wanting to go bike riding. I did it all the time as a kid and then they put a helmet law into effect and I stopped riding because I couldn’t find a helmet I liked or the fit right.