First Day

Today went all right, I didn’t think things through as much as I should have food-wise.  I probably ate more than I should have.  Ok, I know I ate more than I should have.  I swear, as soon as I think "diet" and "eat less" I have this crazy urge to scarf down massive ammounts of food!  I really need to sit down with myself and do a little self therapy, (though I won’t go so far as to start in the chair with the note book, asking "Why do you feel the need to eat like this?" Then running over to lay down before answering!)  I’d do that right now if it weren’t all ready so late.

Anyway, here’s the check list for today:

  • Tomorrow’s meal plan: 2 eggs and fruit for breakfast, I made myself a great salad for lunch tomorrow, and dinner,  probably another salad? (I guess I have to work more at planning dinners!)
  • I wasn’t paying attention to the time, but I don’t think I ate after 8pm.
  • Bed time – well, crap, it’s nearly 12 now… this one may take some time, but it’s not really top-priority, it would just help out a lot!
  • I took my vitamins this morning!
  • I drank 128 oz of water! (And 3 cups of tea!)  
  • I went to the gym today and worked out on the treadmill for an hour!  (At 2.5mph and between 2-4 incline!)

    I’m really feeling this strong urge to be more physical.  I want to work out more, go for walks, go to the gym, start doing some weights again.  I really need to take advantage of this!  It’s stemming from bike shopping.  I don’t know if I’ve told you all this before, so here it is again (or for the first time if I didn’t tell you before!) When all those trees fell over, they crushed my poor little bike (um, ok, I think they tweeked the handle bars a little) but the insurance guy still said it was dammaged, so I got $130 for it! (Super cool, considering mom bought it at Salvation army for like $15)  So last weekend, mom and I were looking at bikes.  I think I’ve decided on a teal-ish Schwinn from WalMart… It’s like $135.  I’d really like the super cool retro looking one from the sports store that was about $500 (maybe it was $600, I can’t remember, but damn it was cool!!)  Anyway, I actually only rode that other bike once, in our drive way, but now, I seriously cannot wait to start riding my bike all over the place!  Mostly, I want to work up to doing the loop trail (the same trail mom and I walk on) but being able to bike the whole 10 miles around it! 

    So the idea of riding my bike around the 10 mile loop is making me feel all sporty or something.  Maybe it’s just because I’m thinking, ok, get in better shape now and it’ll be easier!  I’m really excited about it though.  Which means I’m going to have to be really careful not to over-do it!  At first, I’m probably just going to take my bike across the street to the cemetary, where it’s all flat and there’s usually no one around to run over!  Then I’ll slowly increse my time and skill on the trail before I attempt the whole 10 miles!  (But hey, I did walk 7 miles of that trail once!  It took me and my boyfriend at the time about 3 hours, but we weren’t really in a hurry.)  In the mean time, I really do need to put that workout desire to use for myself!

    In other news, I talked to Kyle tonight.  I told him the reasons why I wouldn’t have sex with him, and he’s still trying to tempt me and tease me and telling me to think about it.  What I’m really thinking about is that cute guy at the drive-in… and the guy I met on-line last night, or the other guy from yahoo personals, or, well, really any other guy out there who will actually want to BE with me!  Someone to cuddle with and talk to, and who I can scratch the hell out of because he’s all mine!  ~grin~  Kyle can keep dreaming! 

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    April 18, 2007

    You’ve done well today. Good job!! I really need to work on drinking more water… I just can’t stand having to run to the bathroom every five minutes. Drives me batty =) and I totally agree with the whole ‘eating more when you’ve decided to eat less’ scenario. It’s a killer! Take care x

    April 18, 2007

    That Kyle sounds like such a classy guy!

    April 18, 2007

    lol Kyle can keep dreaming!!! That’s great that you want to be more physically active!! I do too I’m just being super lazy and I don’t know why. It’s actually a decent temperature today so I might actually get my own lazy bum on my bike and ride to my evening class. Tell me to do it and that you’ll be very disappointed in me if I don’t so I will 🙂

    Hooray for new bikes. I always get so nostalgic when I think about bicycles. They were such a staple of my youth (and probably yours as well). There’s just something so magnificent about a new bike and all the places it can take you. You’re going to love doing the loop-de-loop!

    April 18, 2007

    i want a new bike…maybe i should check out walmart.

    April 18, 2007

    🙂 i love your attitude with kyle. i think it’s a good move on your part, wanting someone to be there for you more than just for sex. good job on your first day. it’s always hard to get into the swing of things but you’re doing good!

    I feel the same way that I want to be more athletic and physical. It feels nice to feel that way. Your water intake is awesome you must have been peeing all day.