On with the show…

My ass looks good today.  I just thought you should all know that.  ~L~ I noticed becuase after I lose a bit of weight, I get a little flabby, and I feel a little unattractive, which always sucks.  It’s like hey, I weight 5 pounds less, but I feel about 10 pounds heavier!  So I’m happy that my ass looks good today! 

I was going to call Kyle tonight, but it didn’t happen.  I got off work at 6, then changed into workout clothes, mom and I were going to go to Lowes to get stuff to put in a cyclone fence on the side of the neighbors Maggie bit, then go for a walk.  However, it took over 2 hours to get all the stuff for the fence lined up and loaded, so we didn’t go for a walk.  Infact, we felt incredibly drained by the time we got home, even though we didn’t actually do anything.  I think we were both thinking about how much work it’s going to be for us to put up this fence, and just the thought of it wore us out!  So we ordered pizza, which is terrible, we don’t do anything and feel drained, so let’s have pizza!  ~L~ Oh well, it was damn good!  So yeah, Kyle goes to bed about 10, and it was after 10, so I didn’t call.  He can wait!  ~L~

I was hoping that other guy from yahoo would write again today, but he didn’t.  I’m sure he’s just busy because of the weekend, but still!  I’m really looking forward to hearing more about him and getting to know him, since he sounded like  really nice guy.  Not only that, but he said he didn’t mind clingy, and that’s good, becuase I’m kinda clingy… or maybe I’m not really clingy, but I’m really affectionate, which can be mistaken for clingy… At least I think so!  ~L~ Anyway, I guess I just have to wait and see. 

In the mean time, I was talking to mom about how I should go to the drive-in next week without her (since she’s going to be out of town visiting my grandpa) and then I can ask the cute drive-in guy’s name… ~s~  Ok, I may invite a couple of my girlfriends along!  Then I’ll just hope this isn’t another case of some guy who’s just being nice to me that I’ve mistaken for actual intrest.  (Though I still say, in Matt’s case, I had every reason to believe he was actually interested and not just being nice!  That doesn’t make me doubt myself any less though.)  I can still ask his name though, and I’ll leave any further action up to him.  All right, if I decide to be brave, I may give him my number, but THEN he can do the rest! ~L~  (Yeah, I’m not one of those RULES girls at all!  I’m too damn agressive for that, i.e. no fun to chase… ~L~)

Ah well, I’m just proud of myself for not going along with the thing with Kyle.  Becuase it is my nature, even if he’s seeing another girl, I woudln’t feel right seeing another guy while I was with him in any way.  And I really do want so much more than that.  E-harmony is doing a "tax" special, 6 months for like $22 something a month, so you save like $36 over the regular 6 month price.  I’m thinking I may just sign up, though watch, my luck, I’ll end up dating thing guy I met for free on yahoo and won’t even need the e-harmony subscribtion!  (I think I’m ok with that though, it would make for a good story to tell the kids… ~L~) 

I’m also going to join Slim Katie’s 30 day re-committment thing, though it’s going to be more of a committment, as I can’t exactly RE-committ to something I haven’t really done in the first place.  At any rate, I’m hoping it will be a good motivator for me!  I’ll post all my goals and what not tommorow though, since I’m tired, and I left the list that I all ready wrote my goals down on at work… Oops! 

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April 16, 2007

Goals are good. I should have some. LOL

April 16, 2007

Wow, I had no idea it was that expensive for the dating websites–I assumed they were free! Maybe you should wait a little longer to see what happens with the Yahoo guy before you pay that kind of money. I’m glad you’re doing the challenge–I had no idea so many people would be interested in doing it with me! 🙂

April 16, 2007

you are on a role. guys, motivation, you’re doing really well. the recommitment seems like a good idea and you’d probably slim down fast if you kept with it which i’m sure you will!

Good for you (all around)! 🙂

RYN: I totally agree about the one-uppers. I used to work with a one-upper and a co-worker and I would make up fake stories to see if she would one-up us. She always did. Oh god(dess), you may just inspired another entry. (I will be sure to give you credit as my muse if I write an entry about One-Upemment! 😀

April 16, 2007

Good luck with everything. Things seem to be going well. You made a good choice about Kyle.