Boys, boys, boys…

I stayed up way too late the other night. I drank too much what with the 375 ml bottle of huckleberry reisling then the pinot grigio (though I didn’t finish that bottle!)  I was chatting on line with a couple of guys, then even talked on the phone with one of them.  He seems nice enough, or at least from what I can remember he was nice! ~L~  I actually didn’t go to sleep until about 4:30am, then mom woke me up this morning around 9am… blah.  

At least she had breakfast for me! ~grin~ She went down to this coffee shop where she had some cupons for coffee and breakfast, so that was nice.  After breakfast we played a game of cards, and then we went for a walk.  The walk was really great, and a really good thing since there have been too many weekends lately where I don’t workout at all, and I hate that! 

After our walk, I took a shower and went to work.  I usually don’t work on Saturdays, but today I was doing a make and take with chipboard flowers.  It went well I think, and it was fun! Towards the end I was getting pretty tired, but I got an extra 3 1/2 hours of pay for it, and that’s always a good thing!

After I got home I decided to take a nap, and I slept for about 2 hours I think.  While I was napping, Kyle called me.  I still haven’t told him my decision.  I’m not putting it off or anything, I just haven’t had time to call him.  But I didn’t pick up the phone when he called, I was too busy napping!  I’ll just talk to him tomorrow, or when ever…  Fine, I kinda like that he’s still calling me and wanting me, it’s nice to be wanted, even if it’s not by the most desireable guy.

Mom woke me up about 7pm, so we could get ready to go to the drive-in.  It took me a while to drag my ass out of bed!  I was really tired, it’s a good thing I took a nap though, I would have fallen asleep durring the movie!  So we rushed around getting ready, I made some french fries to go along with the fish sticks we were taking for dinner, and some of the microwave carmel corn that we like so much, and all the other treats we take with us.  (we take so much stuff to the drive-in with us, usually just our dinner, some drinks and a few snacks, but it looks like a lot!)  By the time we were ready to go, it was all ready getting dark and we were worried that we were going to miss the beginning of the movie, but the previews were still playing when we got there.  Then, the cute guy who takes the money at the gate let us in for free!  The week before last, after we paid and were driving off, I whistled and said something along the lines of, damn he’s hot… so mom suspects that he heard me.  ~L~  Now too bad he didn’t ask for my number, and stupid of me for not asking his name!  Next week though, there’s always next week… ~s~

Then, when I got home, I had an e-mail from this other guy that I wrote to before Kyle, actually, I’d sent him a flirt message, then he sent me an actual message with his e-mail address, so I wrote him, then I thought he decided I was too wacky or something, since he didn’t write me back.  Well, it turns out, my message got sent to his bulk e-mail folder.  So there ya go, there may be some more dating adventures in the near future.

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I love hearing about dating adventures. I may embark on some of my own soon. (I think I have a month left in me-hab.) Btw, the drive-in experience sounds so fun!! I wish our city had one still.

April 16, 2007

whoo whoo! yeah, lady, you go on shakin’ that thang! haha. it’s great that you are having so many prospective men in your life. and exciting time. i know how giddy that can make you feel. ahhh, i love that feeling. much love darling!