Needed: A Good Distraction

I’m getting so annoyed with work lately.   It even annoys me that I’m complaining about it! The really dumb thing is that even though we’re short handed, management doesn’t seem to want to schedule anyone to work any extra hours.  Idiots.  On the other hand, they haven’t had a problem with my staying later and coming in earlier to get things done.  I stayed an hour and a half later last night, I was telling Tiffany today and she was giving me greif about being like Mark, since he was always coming in early and trying to stay late.  I’m like yeah, except I actually DO something besides just re-arranging all the fixtures!  (We have this area of stuff that’s on moveable grids, and he’d re-arrange it all the freaking time. Seriously, sometimes twice a day.  It’s been very odd to actually be able to find something in the same place it was the last time you found it!)  Anyway, I still hate feeling so over-welmed by everything that needs to be done.  I didn’t think I’d have to worry about this again until next Christmas!

About Kyle… I still haven’t completely made up my mind.  I know, that’s terrible of me.  If anything were to happen though, it would be when ever it works best for me, and I’d actually prefer him to come to my house.  He lives way on the other side of town, I’m not wasting my gas to drive over there! Besides, if I’m never in his house, there’s way, way less worry about getting "caught", so he’d probably prefer that anyway.  Though that means it would be when my mom is out of town, and she’s not out of town all that often.  Damn me for being horny…

Actually, I’m mostly against the idea of fooling around with him.  Broken zipper or not, I wasn’t all that impressed.  And right now he wants me way, way more than I want him.  I think I’d like to keep it that way.  ~evil grin~  I’ve actually spent a good amount of time (way too much!) man hunting on line.  I figure all I really need is a good distraction.  I KNOW I can find a guy for that purpose

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April 11, 2007

I dunno Lisa, I think you need to consider this on many levels. You’re clearly looking for someone who is long-term material, but if you’re expending your efforts on just a fuck then you’re not going to find someone special for keeps. Just be careful, and be smart.~jo

April 11, 2007

Gotta agree with Jo on this one, my friend. If you’re looking for long term keepsies, ignore the jerks who want into your pants and not much else. Distractions are just that: distractions from what you actually want. I don’t want to think about how messy that might get if you do happen to find a LT prospect while you’re busy being the other woman for this Kyle dude. Think hard!

I’d say the hunt is more exciting than the capture. Maybe you can distract yourself with some new crafts??

April 11, 2007

RYN: when the patch falls off you are supposed to try to reput it back on…or they give you one for a back up (which i never get). ive been on it since 2002 and ive only had a few come off…like i said it hurt like a bitch. LOL

April 11, 2007

yes you can find a guy. and if you do choose to have a fling with kyle then you could always get a motel room. make him pay! haha sorry about work. being forced to do as much as you are is incredibly draining. i hope your boss realizes the hard work you are putting in and rewards you sometimes. much love.

I’d just keep him there in case you ever do want to do something and just go on with life. Love comes when you’re not looking girl!