Late Fool

Bill came into work today and was telling Kim that an old girlfriend of his caught up to him, and that he had a four year old and she was demanding all this child support.  And how his current girlfriend of the last 4 years (who he moved up here to be with) was all upset, and he didn’t know what he was going to do…   He did a rather convincing job I guess, she was ready to tell him he had to go home and deal with things!  Then he said April Fools’, and she proceeded to smack him half way through the store.  ~L~ By the time he got to the frame shop he was laughing so hard that the joke was completely spoiled, so he wasn’t able to get me with it!   He said the original plan was to milk it all day, but Kim was just so concerned that he had to tell her!

Later that night, I thought of the perfect one to get Bill with, but I’d spoiled it by talking about my non dating adventures.  I could have told Bill I was getting back together with Jake, he would have been all, WHAT?  Bill told me after Jake left that he didn’t know what I was doing with him in the first place!  In a way, Bill knows me better than a lot of people, he’s easy to talk to, so I’ve been babbling to him for the last 2 1/2 years about all sorts of things, and he’s also an artist, so he gets that whole aspect of my personality.  It would make sense that the right guy for me would get along with Bill!  So yeah, it could have been great!  I’ll just tell him my idea later, he’ll still appreciate it anyway!

Oh, so I told Bill about the whole crazy valentine thing, since at the time it was just too touchy of a subject for me.  Bill thinks Matt has about the dumbest theory ever.  And he said if a girl ever did anything like that for him, he’d at least take her out for her effort!  It was nice getting some validation from another guy!  Then I was telling him a bit about Kyle, and how at least he was funny, and how, come to think of it, Jake never really made me laugh. 

Anyway, the only other amusing thing was that Bill, Kim and I were talking about how we all want to see Blades of Glory, and I said we should all go together, which sparked this whole thing about how Kim is "management" and isn’t supposed to associate with us low lifes… (She was one of the girls I went out with a couple weekends ago, and a picture was taken, and word got out, and she got a lecture about being overly friendly with the "help")  Anyway, Bill was all, creepy corprate guy just dropped his poker hand, his creepy corprate guy sense is tingling, employees are having fun! It must be stopped!  Then Bill’s doing the bat man soundtrack, and I’m adding in the weird kind of "duh" sound creepy corprate guy makes when he tries to talk. (Seriously, he’s got some kind of speech impediment of something, so he opens his mouth, and nothing really comes out for a while…)  So Kim was just cracking up, it was great!

Sundays are good days to work!


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April 4, 2007

Oh funny! I didn’t part take in the April Fools events at all. Ah well. Sounds like you’re getting to know Kyle and that’s great news.~jo