Guilt by Association

I have this really bad "guilt by association" thing going on.  It really sucks when I haven’t done anything wrong, but I feel like I’m the one in trouble!  At least today, it’s over something that makes a little more sense.  There have been times that I’ve felt this way when watching a movie, which is really crazy, but I have.  Anyway, Mark was escorted out of the building tonight by a man in a suit and a cop… I don’t think he’ll be coming back.  I think the guy in the suit was from loss prevention… Yikes.  I had the store manager ask me if I’d told Mark he could have some mat, and I’m like, what mat? When? What size was it? I don’t know!  She said from now on, even if something comes out of the trash, we need to charge something for it, even if it’s just a nickle… That’s fine with me.  I’d be ok if someone in management had to look over everything we took out of the store, really.  They’re going to think that the frame shop is just a bunch of theives!  (Not only because of this, but there was also a girl working under me this winter who they caught stealing out of the till! Good lord!  I feel like I’m doing something wrong!)

Anyway, I hope they’re not thinking I’m just going to take over all the ordering that Mark was doing.  Yeah, let me just do all the ordering for the custom frames and supplies to keep the shop running, and make sure the book gets done, and order for all 12 companies to keep the floor stocked, oh, and keep everything out there placed nicely and faced properly… sure!  They’ll be paying me more if that’s the case!  (God, I’m all selfish aren’t I?)  Right now I kind of need to be, I’m trying to get myself over feeling guilty about him getting in trouble!  I’m sure they still love me, I mean they better, I didn’t do anything wrong.  If I did tell him he could have some mat, it was something out of the trash.  Maybe I feel even more guilty because I wanted him out of my department… ugh!

I didn’t work out today, I was good in every other way, but I didn’t workout.  🙁  I don’t know why it is, I have all this time Thursday morning before work, but I can’t seem to talk myself into workingout sometimes!  Here I am beating myself up over missing one day, and I really do enough that I shouldn’t feel bad about missing one day!  Though I think I’m going to join a challenge posted by Wanna Be X Weighted who’s doing 30 walks in 30 days… only 15minutes… surely I can do that!  I should make it my goal to get up in the morning and do my 15 minute walk away the pounds video… That would be cool. 

More weight loss stuff; last night I was talking to mom last night about how we sometimes influence each other badly.  Like she’ll be eating something, and I’ll have some too, even if I’m not hungry, sometimes even if I don’t want it at all.  That needs to stop.  I really do need to learn to just so NO!

In more important news, I talked to the guy from yahoo tonight. His name is Kyle, he’s 35, 6′ blue eyes, shaved head, and he owns his own house, a house he had built here.  (The boy has some money, that’s always a plus!)  We seem to get along pretty well.  Ok, I may have been bad, because hell, I’m just that way, and I tend to make sexual innuendoes when I talk to guys, but it’s not my fault I turned him on without even really trying.  ~L~  Actually, when I called him, I was thinking, ok, you need to behave yourself so he doesn’t think you’re easy or just out for a good time.  Yeah.  I totally F’ed that up!   I might end up meeting him this weekend… ~L~ I might end up fucking that one up too… ~giggles~  Hell, if nothing else, it’ll be fun! 

Oh, and I ordered some stuff tonight!  From Amazon I got Night of the Comet for my mom, it’s one of her favorites! And I got myself an expansion pack for the old sims game… I’m so lame! ~L~ I also got some scrapbooking stuff on  I didn’t really mean to buy $30 worth of stuff!  I really just wanted to buy one package of metal tabs to go in the cookbook I’m making (because I decided I need more that 6 categories for my recipie book!)  And I all ready have one package, so I HAD to buy another!  Then I found some other stuff I wanted!  I should just be thankful I didn’t look too much more!!

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March 30, 2007

I want to do a recipe book toooooooooooooooooo. I even have some of the stuff for it, but I just haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. Gah.

March 30, 2007

i used to meet guys off the internet for sex. LOL how bad am i? good luck meeting this dude.

March 30, 2007

Ouuu…sounds like this guy might be a good catch! But seriously, if you want something more than just a shag, wait a bit. For real.And don’t feel bad about missing one day of exercise, it’s ok. Btw, how does a “walk away the pounds” video work? I’ve always wondered how you can walk and watch a video or do you just walk in place or something?~jo

30 day challenges are a really good way to go. It just gives you that motivation you need. And surely everyone has 15 minutes to find in a day. Good luck to you. P.S. I’m so happy. I’m FINALLY starting to lose some weight. I’ve been dieting/excercising FOREVER. I’ve managed to budge 3.5lbs. Good lord it was hard though.

I have so many random things to note on in this entry. First of all you have no reason to feel guilty if he stole something. I’m thinking about making my walks 30 minutes, why not? My friend Darcie and I influence each other like you and your mom. Kyle sounds hot! I do the same thing with the innuendos online but guys love that and it’s just my sense of humor anyway. I must avoid Amazon, I luv it!

March 31, 2007

yea! mark’s gone! that guy was bad news. i’m influenced by people who eat around me too, even if i’m not hungry at all. i think “well if they can eat then so can i.” it’s really stupid actually. have fun with this kyle. by the sounds of it, you definitely will! much love hon.

April 1, 2007

That’s great that you joined the challenge–you can do it!

April 2, 2007

ryn: Hehe…thanks!~jo

April 2, 2007
April 3, 2007

holla. I have nothing to note upon. But holla. 🙂