Birthday Extravaganza *day three*

Today is my OFFICAL birthday! You know, ever since I was a kid, it’s always been a birthday weekend!  I mean even if the birthday is durring the week, there’s always a birthday weekend!! 

Mom woke me up this morning, then got on and played me every hoops & yoyo birthday card they had! ~L~ She said she couldn’t pick just one to send me! We goofed around for a while, then finally decided it was time to go to breakfast!  We went to our favorite breakfast place, but they looked really busy, so we thought we’d try this other place, but they weren’t serving breakfast any more! So we went back to the place we were in the first place! I had biscuts and gravy with hashbrowns.  Yum!

After breakfast, we drove up to the little tourist town that’s about 15 miles away.  My favorite winery is on the way, (the one where I have connections! ~L~) so of course we had to stop there! Don showed up, so I got a birthday hug! 🙂 Dumb me left the camera in the car, but one of these days I’ll have to get a picture with him, he’s such a cutie!!(of course, he’s married to one of Louie’s daughters, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy hugging him!!) Then mom and I talked to Louie for a while, mom told him it was my birthday, and he’s all, oh, so you’re 21 now? ~L~ Yeah Louie, I’ve been a wine club member for 3 years though, so don’t tell anyone!  Then it turns out they love me more than I thought, Louie gave me a bottle of wine for my birthday! 🙂

He wrote happy birthday on the other side, and the date at the top.  I’m totally keeping it for my birthday next year!!

After that we went shopping. I got a cute green bag:

It’s got a lot of pockets, and yes, it’s leather! Little cows died so I could have a cute bag! But they were green cows, so they were sick and going to die anyway! ~giggles~

I also got a new wallet.  I’m hoping it’ll work out better than the other one I had. I really wish I could find one like my old one, I loved that thing and wore it to bits! I’ve been making due with one that came with a purse I got, but it’s bulkier than I’d like.  So yeah, new wallet, yeah! Moving on!

We stopped at a few other places, and I got a few other cute little things, including one of those cute little old looking signs that says, "always kiss me good night".  Then we stopped at my favorite little bakery, (well, one of them, my other favorite one wasn’t open!) They make these awesome white chocolate oatmeal ginger cookies. *drool* I really should figure out a recipie for those! I could probably just use the oatmeal raisin recipie I have and alter it a little… hummm…

Before we left town, we stopped at my other favorite wine place.  (As much as I love Louie and Don, this place has some really great, sweet wines that are very reasonably priced!) I only bought one bottle of their pineapple wine (to go with the Easter ham!) And the lady gave me a 15% discount! (If I would have known she was going to do that, I would have bought more!!) I actually said that I was planning on coming back some time in the next couple of months and buying a case or two, since last time I bought like 8 bottles, and if I’d bought 4 more to make the case, I would have gotten a 10% discount!  It may not be much of a discount, but hell, if I’m going to keep buying that much wine from them, I need to take advantage of that!

So then mom and I were looking for a place to have dinner, but the first few places we tried were all ready closed, so we decided to go back to our town for dinner.  Then, the first place we tried here was closed too! *boo on Sundays!* But then we went to this other resturant that we haven’t been to in a while.  I had halibut and a glass of wine with dinner, it was all yummy!  Then mom told the waiter it was my birthday, so he brought me some cheese cake, then announced it to the whole place and sang happy birthday to me! I’m sure I was blushing like crazy, but things like that don’t bother me at all!  (Especially when I get free cheese cake out of the deal!)

When we got back home, dad had called to wish me a happy birthday, and so had my friend Edin. So I called dad back and told him all about my weekend, I should call him more, but it’s hard to think of things to say sometimes.  Yeah, I know, as much as I talk you woudln’t think it would be a problem, but I try not to mention mom too much, since it bothers him that I’m living with her and that we get along so well.  ~sigh~ I suppose I should keep a list of things to talk about and call him every couple of weeks, maybe if I talked to him more it wouldn’t be so bad after a while.

Anyway! Then I called Edin back.  I haven’t talked to her since like August, which is terrible! (I really suck at calling people back!) Part of the thing is, I know when she and I get on the phone, we’ll talk forever.  Seriously, FOR-EV-ER! ~L~ (I think I still have some of the old phone bills from when we were in high school!) She’d called last month, and of course, I meant to call her back then, and her birthday was February 28th, and I didn’t call her (because I suck!) so finally I just decided that I didn’t care how late I ended up staying up talking to her, I HAD to call her!  So we had a really good conversation, (like we always do!) I caught her up on everything (she didn’t even know that Jake and I broke up!) and she caught me up on everything (she broke up with her boyfriend too!).  The thing I love the most about her, even when her life isn’t going all that great, she’s still got a really positive vibe.  She’s not all totally optimistic and cheery, but I think it’s just because she doesn’t do the whole, feel sorry for me, my life is so terrible, blah blah, and nothing you have to say matters, blah… (or something like that!) The point is, when I get off the phone with her, I’m always in a good mood, and I’m always saying how I need to call her more, and how much I miss her! I have other friends who when I get off the phone with them, I just want to scream, and I wonder why I’m still friends with them! 

After Edin and I got off the phone, I was checking my e-mail, and though the first guy never wrote me back, another guy did!  And I didn’t even send him a flirt or anything, I just looked at his profile, and yahoo now shows when people look at your profile, so he checked out mine, and I guess he liked what he read!  So now I have to think up something witty and charming to write to him!  I’m just glad that I’ve got a lot of pictures on my profile, including 2 full body shots, and I don’t have to worry that he’s got some false idea of me in his head!  It’s nice to not have to worry about showing him my picture and then having him never talk to me again!

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March 27, 2007

i wish my birthdays were like yours! i always just sit around the house. no one makes plans for me or even takes me out to dinner. mmm, i love going out to breakfast. that is the best. and wine. tasty tasty. white chocolate oatmeal ginger cookies? dear god, those sound amazing!!! this entry makes me hungry! i’m glad you had such a lovely birthday. much love hon.