oh-so exciting

I was going to start writing this entry about two hours ago, and at the time, there were all kinds of things buzzing around in my head that I was going to write about.  Now, I’m too tired and can’t really think of anything!  Which means I’ll just have to make some stuff up! 

Mark got a talking to, and I think that’s about it.  The powers that be probably aren’t overly concerned since Mark’s been talking a lot about finding another job.  Ugh. Though tomorrow I’m going to tell the manager about the lovely thing he did today.  This old woman was looking for a mat, so Mark just points her to our mat samples and walks away.  (The whole point of us being here is to help people with these things, ya know?)  Then, when I go out to help this younger, thin, pretty lady, he pops up and is over my shoulder practically the whole time I’m helping her.  When I finished with her, I went to help the old lady, since Mark had completely vanished as soon as the pretty one was gone.  Fucker.  Oh, and he also told the old lady that the frame she had would fit a mat in it, so she was irked at me when I told her it wouldn’t.  I wanted to tell her that I’d been doing this 2 1/2 years longer than he had, and I don’t think he’s ever even put anything in one of those frames, much less tried to get a mat into one of them.  I tried once and about broke the frame!  The thing is, I’ve told him before that mats won’t fit in those frames, he just doesn’t listen.

I feel like I went to kickboxing tonight becuase I’m sore and tired!  Mom and I actually just went to the gym.  I did half an hour on the treadmill and worked up a good sweat!  When we got home, I swept practically the whole house, did the dishes and scrubbed the sink before deciding that was enough.  Then I felt completely exhausted!  I actually got about 9 hours of sleep (after hitting the snooze button like 20 times!) and I felt fine all day, not tired or anything, so I guess it was just that workout!

Hum, and now I can’t even think of anything else interesting to write.  Wow, I’m boring today!  This is barely even worth reading!  *booo*  Oh, I know, I’ll make a confession… I’m looking through yahoo personals right now.  ~sigh~ I don’t know why I bother.  I’m still of the oppinion that I don’t really want to date right now.  I suppose I just want some guy to chat with and keep me entertained.  Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever talked to a guy I met on yahoo personals for more than a couple weeks.  Yet for some reason, I like that site the best.  Probably because at least some of the guys on there have decent profiles with descriptions.  I hate those ones that are like, "I’m fun and easy going, I like the out doors, I like a night on the town and staying in for a movie."  And that’s about it.  Woo, really makes me want to meet you!  ~L~  I think I’m just going to go to bed! *kisses*

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March 21, 2007

The yahoo personals guys in my area – MOTLEY. Just…bad. Plenty of Fish was better, have you looked there?

I used to peruse the Lava Life site for fun. Judging by the guys I saw on there it could easily be renamed “Lava Get A Life” or “Lava Life-Long Losers.” I think the first one is slightly more catchy. 😉

March 21, 2007

That Mark guy sounds like a prick. I hope he gets fired. 🙂

March 21, 2007

Just curious if you got your reading via email? I’ve had some people say that they didn’t receive it.

March 22, 2007

sounds like mark needs a smack over the head, not a talking to. that’s like putting a kid in time out.