Mostly Good Stuff

This morning at work, the main store manager got 3 earfulls about mr. frame re-arranger (We’ll call him Mark from now on, since that’s his name).  Not all about the re-arranging of the frames, but various complaints.  It seems that on Saturday, Mark brought in some poster, and Bill was saying that he’s brought stuff in before, mounted it, and Bill doesn’t think he’s paying for anything.  Sure enough, we found out that he took this other poster the other night, actually showed it to the head cashier as he was leaving, and didn’t pay for it.  Both Bill and I think he’s giving people he knows price cuts on things.  He also clocks in early, only spends time with customers who happen to be attractive females, and doesn’t really listen to anything anyone tells him.  So first the assistant manager talked to the store manager, then I talked to her, then a PIC talked to her.  (PIC is our fancy way of saying person in charge, like the assistant, assistant manager or something.)  Our store manager didn’t talk to Mark today, since creepy corprate guy wasn’t there, and I think there’s some kind of stipulation that while he’s around they have to do things like that as a single entity.  But I mean come on, you’ve got the assistant manager, a PIC and the manager of the department the guy works for all telling you this guy’s a pain in the ass, you’d damn well better do something! 

Ok, I had to get that out of the way first, since it’s all the bitching I had to do!  Aside from that, work was good.  Cate didn’t have to spend her whole day in the office, and I’m always happier when I get to work with her!  Then the store manager was asking what days my kickboxing classes were, since she’s training someone else how to write the schedule.  I told her, then thought about it for a while, then went back and I’m all, why can’t I just do the schedule for the frame shop?  She said, after creepy corprate guy leaves!  He’s just particular about how he wants things done, but after he’s gone, she said, things will go back to normal.  *fingers crossed*  The rumor is, he’s gone at the end of the month, it’ll be so nice not to have him creeping around all the time!  Anyway, it was good to hear that she’s all for giving me the schedule back!  I kinda wish I’d asked him why he wouldn’t let me do it any more.  It really doesn’t make any sense, I did the schedule for 3 months, including the insanity of Christmas, and everything was fine, I didn’t do a single thing wrong.  But whatever, the schedule will be mine again soon! 

Now, the fun part.  Mom and I went to kickboxing tonight, after not going for the past two weeks.  Matt was there.  I was suprised to see him, I didn’t think he’d be back so soon after that knee surgery.  But it was fine.  I waved when I saw him, and I was all, "Wow! You’re better all ready? That was quick!"  So perfectly sweet, and normal, no signs of crazy or heartbroken!  He actually stopped out side of the door when he saw me, I’m sure he was waiting to see if I would talk to him or not.  At least he’s not totally ignoring me either!  You know what though? It sucks that I still want him.  Damn it all to hell!  Why does he have to be so cute and nice and STUPID?  ~L~   I’m proud of me though.  I was perfectly fine.  I was worried seeing him again would put me in a bad mood or something, but nope.  (That’s probably because I still enjoy looking at him…)  I was totally myself, goofy and laughing and kicking butt!  It also helps that I’m of the unwaivering mind set that I’m the best thing that’s never going to happen to him.  After class when I was walking to the car, I was just thinking, your loss buddy.

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March 20, 2007

His loss indeed!! That’s such a good frame of mind to have. ryn: I’m no candidate for gastric bypass! Hee hee. I’m not technically fat enough. 😛

Well, at least he’s cute, nice and stupid unlike the men I’ve been associated with who are usually just stupid.

March 20, 2007

Oh hilarious! I loved this: “I’m the best thing that’s never going to happen to him.” Heehee!~jo

March 20, 2007

That’s great that there’s nothing weird between the two of you. You’re right, it’s his loss… but hopefully you two will remain friends.

March 20, 2007

oh, i hope mark gets let go. I mean he doesn’t seem to be working out there. I feel that way about some people at my job. Oh I’m so jealous you had kickboxing tonight. Mines is tomorrow, can’t wait. no cute guys in my class though. In fact the only guy is the 40+ instructor, lol

March 22, 2007

mark sounds like a jerk. arghhh, why do guys like him have to exist? i hope he doesn’t reproduce. good for you, on handling the matt situation. it is his loss and i’m sure you surprised the pants off of him by the way you acted so non-chalant and carefree. that’s the best kind of comeback/revenge. much love hon!