
No, I didn’t get wasted, but I feel as though I’ve wasted my weekend.  (I get Friday & Saturday off, so tomorrow is my Monday!)  Last night I stayed up until about 5:30am, and slept until noon.  (So much for my grand plans of having any kind of "normal" sleeping schedule!)  All day today I’ve just been sleepy and spaced out, and now here it is, all most midnight!  ~L~ I don’t get how I do that, I mean I’ve been tired all day, so why the hell didn’t I go to bed at 9 or 10?  Well, because I was trying to clean the house.  Which you can’t even really tell.  Actually, the main thing I did this weekend is organize all our movies.  Mom bought a bunch of video tape holders (the drawer kind) so I pulled out all the tapes, made sure they were still alphabetized (yes, I have a typed out list and everything!) then I stacked the tape holders up and put all the videos back away.  And to save you from me trying to explain, here’s a couple of pictures:

Yeah, we have 2 entertainment center type things that we use for storing vidoes.  The drawer things in the picture on the right are empty, they don’t hold as many tapes as the other ones do.  We’ll probably store random recorded tapes in there or something… Anyway, damn, I just noticed how dusty those things are… ewwww… ~L~  We obviously have a few videos, but they’re so darn cheap now!  And hey, I don’t mind spending a couple of bucks buying a movie I liked well enough to maybe watch again, but not so much that I’d buy it on DVD!  There are actually only a few so far that we’ve bought the DVD version of, and there aren’t many that we’re going to.  Most of them we don’t watch often enough to bother with doing that.  

I also organized the DVDs, well, really, I just alphabetized them and up-dated our list.  We haven’t yet found a really good DVD storage thing yet.  The entertainment center thing on the right has some DVD shelf storage on the sides, like around the side where you can’t see, I’m going to stick all mom’s random weird DVDs that she gets at the dollar store back there!  And as you can see, I deticated the front to seasons of Friends, Sex in the City, and Gilmore Girls!

Wow, I really babble sometimes, here I am explaining all the organizing and what not, and it’s like, ok, who really cares?  Anyway, I also tried putting all my frames away better. (Ah, I should have taken a picture of that! ~L~ Just imanine a bunch of frames stuck behind a couch…) So the livingroom looks somewhat nicer, but it still has a ways to go.  We really need to have a yard sale this summer!  We have so much crap stashed in our garage, and it would be so nice to get that cleaned out!  Not only to rid ourselves of the burden of all that negative energy created by the clutter, but also so we can use the garage!  It would be so nice to actually be able to have a ceramics studio out there!

Oh, so the whole point of this weekend was supposed to be me cleaning the house, since I’m having my birthday party here next weekend.  Now I’m going to end up doing a lot durring the week.  Though mostly now it’s just putting away a few things and vaccuming and sweeping and that sort of thing.  Still, I’d wanted to get so much more done than I did!  It didn’t help that I put in movies all day, and that I was feeling all sleepy, so I kept sitting down and zoning out on what ever movie I had in.  Today’s list included: Battlefield Earth, Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Deep Impact, and Hudson Hawk.  I have absolutely no logic to my choice of movies other than 2 of them are things my mom wouldn’t watch (she doesn’t like scary movies) She once half-way watched Battlefield Earth and said she didn’t like it (but she probably would if she paid attention to it!) And the other two I just haven’t seen in a long time. 

Since I’m babbling about movies again, I’m also planning on using an old planner with the alphabet dividers to keep a list of our entire collection.  I realized today that there are a lot of those we’d probably watch more if we remembered we had them!  So I thought a master list would be a great idea, and I’m just anal enough to do something like that!  (Next thing you know, I’ll be making little pages to fit into the planner that have the movie cover image and a description on them! God help me…)

I didn’t workout today, which I’d feel bad about, except I’m too tired to care!  I didn’t really workout yesterday, aside from some random walking around and a little dancing.  Well, enough "getting low" dancing that my thighs hurt today, so that counts for something! ~L~  Oh, and the only thing I did for St. Patrick’s day was have phone sex with a guy from Dublin, which is why I was up until 5:30 this morning… ~L~ I thought it was a pretty amusing coincidence, so I thought I’d share. 

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March 18, 2007

Seems like a damn decent way to spent St. Paddy’s day. >:)

How did you manage to wangle phone sex with a guy from Dublin? I hope there weren’t any long distance charges. 😉

March 18, 2007

I feel the same way about DVD’s. I have maybe 10 movies on DVD (not counting my TV on DVD’s) and hundreds of VHS. I’m not going out and replacing all my VHS with DVD’s, just to have to replace the DVD’s when the next best thing comes along. LOL

March 18, 2007

My husband is a DVD-junkie, I swear! He has 900+ movies on DVD… we had to get rid of all the cases because there’s no room for them. We just put them in those books for CDs/DVDs. Anyways, don’t you love how everything looks when it’s all organized like that? 🙂

RYN: You little minx! I bet his accent sounded so cute too!

March 22, 2007

you are a fiend for cleaning! but at least that is a good positive addiction. as long as you don’t turn into a crazy lady who wipes her guests’ faces before they enter her house, or some weird thing. 🙂