The Real Entry

*Go back one entry to check out the survey with pictures, just because I found some cool images to share!

I was able to get up a little ealier today, but not by much.  Maybe next week I’ll have better luck. I’m screwing myself up again right now… it’s all ready 2am. ~sigh~

Today at work, my kickboxing instructor Addy came in to get some stuff we framed for her. (In December for goodness sakes!)  I helped her out with them, and she asked me about the whole thing with Matt, since I never did get a chance to properly tell her what happened.  She agrees with everyone else, his love theory is completely stupid!  I’d rehash the conversation, but it’s basically the same stuff I’ve said with basically the same comments you all made about it, so moving on…

I was actually talking to mom the other day about sending him a get well soon card, but that I should have done that ages ago, because now it feels like I’ve waited too long or something.  On the other hand, I feel like if I don’t send him anything, it’s saying that I’m just crushed!  However, I still don’t know if I could send him anything without some how implying that I think he’s a real stupid head!  ~L~

Oh, another work related thing, the guy who’s in charge of the floor, but never straightens the isles, decided to re-arrange all the frames on the shelves.  From what I can tell, he’s not putting them in any better of an order than they were before.  Oh, and he decided to put the 8 x 12’s and the 9 x 12’s right in the middle of the 8 x 10 isle.  I tried telling him it would make more sense to have them at one end, but he didn’t want to hear that his way wasn’t perfect.  Oh well. He was telling me yesterday that he’s looking for another job, so I don’t think he’ll be around too much longer.  So if I get really bored, maybe I’ll just re-re-arrange things… ~L ~

After work, I had to shop a little.  There was some scrapbook paper clearanced at .10 each!  I got a bunch, and a few other things, becuase I’m addicted!  I really need to look into some way of selling my scrapbooks that I’ve been putting together.  Since the idea of selling them is the main reason I buy a lot of this sale paper, so I can make albums rather inexpensively, and sell them at a reasonable price and still get a nice profit.  Yeah, I seriously need to do that!

When I got home, mom and I went for a walk, we decided to just walk from our house over to the little subburb of sorts that’s near by. (I’m not sure what else to call it, there a bunch of houses that look pretty similar that have like their own seperate street system. – ok, here, I just drew a picture instead of trying to explain!)

 So our house is about HERE (yes, right there! If this sentance was on the other side of that main road!) Each of the loops is a hill, increasing in difficulty from 1 to 4.  It’s not too bad for walking.  There’s not a lot of traffic, the only thing I don’t like is how the side walks dip down so you don’t have to drive over the curb to get in the driveway.  That’s good if you don’t want to drive over a curb to get in your driveway, but I don’t like the uneven walking surface because I’m damn picky that way and I’ve been spoiled by the relative smoothness that is the park trail!  And this is far too leangthy and detailed just to tell you we went for a walk!

Tonight we went to see the high school’s production of High School Musical. (I’ve never seen the actual Disney movie version, but now I want to!) Most of their plays are pretty good, but this one was, meh.  Part of it was becasue the sound system was bugging out, and they were using some kind of microphones. (Rather than annunciating and PROJECTING their voices.)  The leads weren’t the greatest singers either, I appreciate their effort, and I know when you’re doing a high school play you don’t always have a lot to choose from.  I guess mostly it was just difficult to understand a lot of what was being said.  Oh well, I still love going to plays!  We also got tickets for Wind in the Willows that’s palying next weekend at another theatre!

The only other thing I have to report is that I got an e-mail back from the winery.  They said that since I would be going to all of the shows, they would hold the tickets and just charge me a month prior to each show. ~s~  I was thinking, well, guess I didn’t have to use my connections after all!  Then I noticed the e-mail was from Don! ~L~  ha ha, I get special treatment! ~L~

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March 15, 2007

Huzzah for special treatment!

March 15, 2007

RYN: I *definately* think it affected our sex drive– after the pubic bone thing with Eli, I couldn’t lie in certain positions (like my back) for almost a year. I also couldn’t open my legs very far. LOL, probably way too much information for your question! But yeah, I’m hoping things get back to normal soon.

March 15, 2007

LOL Ms Euphoria, I think it’s fine seeing as I made said judgement from “euphoria” 😉 *Nor

I loved the little illustration. It definitely helped with the explanation. 😉

March 15, 2007

Hope you’re able to turn that sleep schedule around soon! It’s so easy to get turned around but so difficult to get right-side up again. *hugs*

March 15, 2007

Special treatment is always a good thing. 🙂

March 15, 2007

haha, cute picture. it does help illustrate your story more easily. ughh, i hate when coworkers make your job harder than it has to be. at least that guy will be leaving soon. much love hon.

March 15, 2007

Me too, I loved the pic. at first I was like, huh? its cool. Thats cool, selling your scrapbooks, good idea. I have no clue about scrapbook so that would be great for people like me.

*hugs****** You’re so cute with that get-well card! You’re a sweet girl! Thanks for all the support hun, it means the world to me!!!!

March 16, 2007

Hello BEautiful! Yeah, those damn cats never make the bed.. but they make themselves real comfy on the most fluffy pillow they can find. Those flower power sheets are cute. They’re my mom’s, she’ll never get them back. Besides, she’s when I moved last year, she kept all my towels and fluffy pillows.