I need to focus…

I’m really bad about making myself do things. I really need to set a bed time and stick to it!  That would help me out in SO many ways!  I was pretty tired today, because, suprise, I was up too late last night.  I think I’ve also been eating too many carbs, and they’re making me wicked tired!  Basically, same old story, get to bed on time, have time in the morning to workout, keep bitching at self to do this…

Mom and I went for a walk in the park tonight, it was perfect weather for it, and the air was so fresh and clean smelling.  It was really great.   We only did about 30 minutes, but it was still a nice walk.  The best part was that I had been worried that I was going to have to workout alone, and that I was going to talk myself into skipping, and I really don’t need to be doing that when just yesterday I was all, I’m going to workout every day for the rest of the month!!  I can do this, I know I can! (Ok, I’ll probably give myself one day off for my birthday!)  I normally wouldn’t be so set on workingout every single day, but since I’ve all ready had 5 missed days this month, I need to make up for them!

In other news, I stopped taking my birth control pills.  I figured I’m spending $30 a month and not getting any, so what’s the point?  I don’t need them to regulate me or anything, so I’ve just blown about $180 over the last  6 sex-less months!  Now I just need to take that money and save it for some better purpose, like a stripper, or better yet, a more durrable vibrator! ~L~

On that note, I must be off to bed!  …Wow, that makes it sound really dirty… ~LOL~



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March 11, 2007

Girl, Love this entry! You’re back to exercising, and realizing you’d spent money you could have spent elsewhere–for me, it was Girl Scout Cookies. Don’t worry about being dirty… you’re a healthy woman with a great sex drive. We should all be standing up and applauding.

March 12, 2007

I wouldn’t spend so much if I wasn’t getting any either. Which I’m not. Definitely money better spent on a good quality vibrator! I think I’m weird. I prefer to work out alone. I cut carbs quite a bit. It does help in the weight loss, but I do feel much “lighter” if that makes sense, when I’m not eating too many. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was making you tired.

March 12, 2007

My bigass dinner last night probably contributed to my not wanting to get up this morning. Heh.

March 12, 2007

i want to give up birth control too (im on the patch), me and rob only have sex about 1-2 times a week and he doesnt like to use condoms cause he thinks he is slightly allergic to them. BOO. whatever… i dont want babies yet..so ill stick with it. supposviely going off the birth control will help to lose weight.

March 12, 2007

Well, I’m lucky that I don’t pay for the pill. Even if I were on it I wouldn’t have to pay for it. The NHS don’t charge for birth control prescriptions. I guess they figure it is cheaper to pay for people to be onit themselves then fork out for unexpected children had by people who can’t afford to be on it. Or something. Of course, being a lesbian I wouldn’t need to be on it to prevent childbirth… Anyway, I feel your pain! I could do with a fcukbuddy really! Or you know… someone meaningful! *wink*

March 12, 2007

I had to get up early and go to work with my mom because she was in at 7am and I was in at 8am so I actually took a blanket to the quiet room and napped for an hour. Lovely eh? I wonder how many people opened the door and heard me snoring?~jo

Yes, you could put that money towards a cute new outfit. Or some crafty stuff!

March 12, 2007

Having a good night sleep is important to me. if I don’t sleep properlly than I am a total wright off the next day!

March 12, 2007

LMAO @ your last paragraph. You’re too much!!

March 12, 2007

haha, i love you! spend the money on a stripper or vibrator. that’s great! you should totally do it too. i love being able to take walks in warm weather. But i recently noticed that you live in washington. doesn’t it rain a lot there, or are you in a different part? what’s the typical weather? as for sleeping, try reading in bed. that usually helps me fall asleep easily. much love darling!

March 12, 2007

Ooooh, buy a rabbit vibrator! I always see those at sex toy parties and want one, but they’re like $120! lol